Chapter 3

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Elizabeth's pov

Now I know you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about when I say I'm a witch. When you think of the word, you probably think of an ominous, crotchety old woman looming over a bubbling cauldron, or maybe flying on a broom. Green skin, warts on noses, Sakura, pointy hats and dark robes. These things surely all come to mind. Well, I'm here to tell you I'm not all that and a bag of chips. No, I'm better

I'm the badass kind of witch that makes unorthodox potions that turn people into talking frogs. I perform, and even create at disastrous times, spells. I'm really not sure where the whole 'magic' thing came from. Apparently I was found as a small child alongside a very large book that nobody could seem to open. After the Hokage and a team of ANBU failed to crack the thing, it was finally turned over to me. I was only six at the time and could barely write my name without putting the E backwards, which may be why the Hokage decided it was fine if I held onto it. What could I do with a book that wouldn't open?

Surprise, surprise. Those fucks underestimated me. I cracked that saucy read open easier than Naruto cracks open his mouth. And that's he story of how small, naive, innocent me got into the art of witchcraft. I could read at the time and thus ended up having to work off the photos provided, so there were a... few unpredicted casualties. They were all accidents! Besides, it wasn't ever anyone that would be particularly missed. Mostly just unfortunate trespassers who wandered into her land. Wrong place, wrong time.

Enough of that, now. Case and point: I'm a full blown witch! I know, it's a rather amazing tale. Very eventful. An added bonus is that I've gotten better now that I know how to read, so there's a lot more outlets open to me. There's parts of the book that are still blank. I remember thinking I was supposed to write my own discoveries on those pages, but I soon came to realize that was far from the case. As I age, new sections appear where there was previously nothing. It's all very intriguing. With the book one a fourth of the way filled, I'm hoping to live long enough to see it out until the end. Doubtful, but one can hope.

Me being a witch isn't common knowledge. No one knows—save for maybe Hinata, but I'm pretty sure I can recall removing that memory. It's not like I can just ask. Anyway, it wouldn't be the worst thing, people knowing. The world seems to have moved past the whole 'burning at the stake' phase, but how would I even go about revealing myself. 'Hi there! Did you know I'm a witch?' isn't a very good conversation starter. Well, it is if I want people to assume I'm insane.

I'm getting off track. Moral of the story: it would be absolute hell trying to explain. There's still no guarantee the civilians won't revert to their old ways and burn me alive anyway, which is something to consider. Who knows! Maybe my parents ditched me here to hide me from a hoard chasing them with a collection of rusty pitchforks, torches, and knives? You never know. People are unpredictable like that.

"Here you go, ma'am." I was snapped from my rampaging thoughts when the waitress of the mochi shop I was in set down a plate of the squishy delights. I could feel my heart croon at the sight. Nodding to the waitress in thanks, my gaze never strayed from the glorious gift presented to me in all its multicolored glory. A small mound of mochi was piled before me neatly, and my mouth was past watering. It was just about overflowing, which is just as disgusting as it is true. I could die now and die happy.

Grabbing a pink one, I let out a happy him as I shoved it in my mouth whole. I probably looked totally batshit as the taste of rice dough filled my mouth, along with the strawberry jelly they'd filled it with. This is proof, right here, that God exists. This is the best thing since sliced bread. A true delicacy in a world where so few exist. Can I get an amen?

As I was in the midst of worshipping the food set before me, a set of hands slammed down so hard on the table the entire thing shook. It startled me enough that I predictably began to choked to death. I looked up to glare at whoever brought this early end upon me. The sight I was met with was so horrifying, that death actually turned his back on me and walked away just so he wouldn't have to witness this.

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