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"I hate you, you know." I mutter to the tall boy, as he towers over me. Sometimes, I despise being short. "I didn't do anything, I swear!" he proclaims, holding his hands up in surrender. "Bull shit, I saw what you did!" I shout, trying to intimidate him, but it apparently doesn't work; he doesn't even flinch. "I swear, Y/N, I didn't do anything!" he insists, stomping his foot. I narrow my eyes and leer at the brunette boy, and he imitates my same movement, except... it's a joking look. "You cheating scumbag!" I scream, glaring menacingly.

"Oh, calm down," Jonathan shakes his head. "It wasn't that bad." I scrunch up my face to mimic his words. "It wasn't that bad," I mock, swatting his arm. "You suck, you know that, right? How dare you cheat!"

He still has that exasperated expression on his face. "I thought you were with me, on my side! But you were apparently on Nancy's!" I relinquish my frustration and anger on him. How dare he?

"I wasn't, I swear!" he keeps pressing, stepping closer to me. "Bullshit." I repeat.

"You are acting too overdramatic about this, I swear to god!"

"Am not!"

"Are to."

"Am not!"

"Are to."

"Am n-" he clamps a hand over my mouth. "Shut up." I lick his hand, which instantly makes him flinch and remove it. "

"Gross!" he wipes his hand against his pants and I evilly stick my tongue out at him. He deserves this.

"Exactly. Maybe next time, which there will never be, you'll reconsider cheating."

He rolls his eyes, and suddenly... the lights pop. Thousands of shards of glass pelt at the floor, and a large reverberating sound resonates through the house, making me go woozy. It makes my head hurt really badly, like a rock is pounding at it. The glass on the ground makes me wary not to trip, but I can't help myself as I do. I slip, and fall, but I don't pass out. Instead, I stay wide awake, in a dizzy and idle state. I can't move, I can't breathe, and that's when the voices start.

"You're ours."

"Help us, join us all!"

"Free us."

The voices whisper and echo in a repetitive state, I don't know what else to do. As darkness soon envelops my very conscious being, I feel something rip at My torso, a large gash of pain shoots throughout my nerves, making me uselessly cry out. "H-help!" I gasp meakly, the pain making my own thoughts incomprehensible, and my words drag out into the whispers. "Join us, join us, HELP US!" the voices shrill, and before I feel myself black out...

I snap awake. Jonathan's shaking me awake. "Hey, you all right?" he asks, worry laced in every word. "Y-y-" I start, but then... I'd be lying. "No." I whimper, my entire body aching. "You passed out, the power went out and you fainted. Why?" He asks, assisting me to my feet. He stabilizes my wobbly self. "I-I don't know." I answer honestly. "Light sensitivity?" He ponders, and I shake my head. "No... I've never had this problem before."

All right, I'll be honest. I've had this problem before, and I don't know why. I never have, it'll just... happen. Casually, but always when the lights go out. It's like darkness fuels my nightmares, and creates terrors.

I glance down at my stomach, but there's no cut, no scar, like what happened in this... dream, almost. What scares me? That... this happens frequently, once or twice a month, at least. It's like an omen, a sign... but nothing's happening. Not yet.

Just then, memories of before the incident flood back to me, and I turn to Jonathan. "You're still an ass, you know that, right?" I say flatly.

He sighs. "Yes, I'm aware. Sorry, Y/N."

I narrow my eyes, my vision discrete on him. "That doesn't cut it."

"Look, it was nothing. Nancy and I had no intentions of that, I promise."

"Promise?" I ask uncertainly.

"Yes! Want to get back to Candyland?" he asks, and I smirk. "No looking at the cards with Nancy, you cheater." I demand.

"... fine. I'll never cheat with the cards again."

"No shuffling them, to fit your benefit?"

"Got it."

"All right, let's go," I laugh, and walk back into the kitchen table, where Nancy, Jonathan, and I were playing. Soon enough, me fainting was forgotten and it slipped my mind.

Yet, something about it... it makes me uneasy. I sit in my bed with my blankets pulled up to my chin, as I'm about to switch off the light.

But another hand does it for me.

(Holà amigos, I'm just wondering... would you like me to make another one-shots book? Not ending this one, I have updates to fufill, and I love this one, but I'm just thinking... I love Fillie and Mileven.
Should I write a one-shot book, based off of solely Fillie/Mileven?
Let me know!)

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