Chapter 1 ~ Daddy knows best...

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Chapter 1 ~ Daddy knows best...

It was extremely cold, that one unexpectedly eventful night. The sky was as black as your worst nightmare, with the only illumination being the ominous full moon, that was shining its sinister light, not revealing the fearsome creatures of the night. Only a foolish mortal would dare to step into the devouring darkness. The sound of the wind was like a thousand creatures howling an evil, haunting melody together. Located in the middle of the dark, secluded forest, was the magnificent, big palace of the Rosaria family. In one of the many enormous towers of this palace, shone a weak light.

This light came from the large conference room of King Cerin, who was the man to be afraid of. If you weren't even slightly frightened of him, there was seriously something wrong with you.

He was the King of demons and dark angels, which you might think are the same but they're not. Demons are the males and dark angels are the females, who have different names, because they have slightly different powers.

King Cerin was sitting in his large conference room with his daughter, a dark beauty that was called Princess Lillith. With her pale, porcelain skin and hair with the color of cherries and chocolate mixed together, his daughter was the most attractive young woman you have ever seen. Her body was even sexier than one of a supermodel. Lillith always wore dark clothes that added to her overall perfect image, that screamed sexy and dark, with a touch of mystery.

The reason that King Cerin and Princess Lillith were sitting in the King's conference room, was that Lillith was already seventeen years old, so that meant that she only had less than one year left, before she was supposed to take over the Kingdom, on her eighteenth birthday, which she could only take over when she had a man. The problem was that she hadn't found her mate yet, and she didn't want to marry any other guy, because she knew that they wouldn't stay together forever. And forever is a long time, you know? Yes, all mythical creatures are immortal, except for werewolves, who age really slowly after their eighteenth birthday.

However, her dad wanted Lillith to get married before her eighteenth birthday, and he already had the perfect husband in his mind.

King Cerin decided that, if Lillith hadn't found her mate by her eighteenth birthday, she would marry his best friend and also his Royal Advicor's son, Damon.

Damon was a tall, muscular and fairly handsome young man. He acted very polite and good mannered to the King and Queen, only Lillith knew better. He was just a total jerk, really cocky and selfish. He just knew how to act around the King and Queen, to get the one thing that he wanted. And may that just be the stubborn as hell, Princess Lillith.

Lillith hated Damon, not only because he was the touchiest guy she had ever met, not that she had met a lot of guys though, but she hated him because he always told her that she belonged to him. She wasn't his and she would never become his. She thought.

Damon was very excited when he heard about the King's decision, because now there was a really big chance that Lillith would soon be his very own wife. Lillith wasn't very likely to find her mate, because she was almost never allowed to get outside the palace.

Although her and obeying rules didn't really match, so this caused that she has escaped from the palace multiple times, her dad wasn't stupid. Lillith was his only daughter, his only child and the future Queen. He would just hire more guards, who would watch their Princess twentyfour seven, so nothing bad could possibly happen to her.

When it was time to tell his daughter about his decision, King Cerin wasn't even slightly nervous nor humane.

"Lillith, I've decided to give you until your eighteenth birthday to find your mate. If you haven't found him by then, you will marry Damon without any objections." King Cerin told his daughter without any emotion. He knew that this was the best for his Kingdom.

"Dad, no! I don't want to marry Damon! You know that I don't have a chance to find my mate, if you don't even let me leave this prison once!" Lillith screamed. She was very angry that her father would do this to her.

"Don't be disrespectful! You need to behalve like a real Princess, mind your manners. I've made my decision and that's said." King Cerin said in a slightly irritated voice.

"Dad, I don't care! It's my future, if you don't even give me the chance of finding my mate, you're being an asshole!" Lillith got so angry, that her bright, violet eyes were turning red.

Every dark angel had blue eyes, only Lillith's eyes were a bright violet colour, just like her grandmother, Deyanira and her mother, Emberlynn, had. They were very rare, nobody in their entire Kingdom had this eyecolour. Lillith loved her eyes, because they stood out, and being mainstream was one of the many things that she hated.

"Enough! Tomorrow you'll get an etiquette teacher, no objections. Within a month, we'll be hosting the annual New Year Ball, this will be your chance to find your mate. If you behave, you might get another chance. Now I don't want to hear you disagreeing again, because I'm being fair with you." King Cerin said. He was happy with his decision about the etiquette lessons, because his daughter would finally become a well-mannered young lady, who would be a presentable Queen. She needed to stop cursing, immediately. Cursing was really inappropriate for a lady and especially a Royal.

"That is very generous of you and I completely agree that you know what's the best for me, my dear father." Lillith said with venom and sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Good to hear that you have finally come to your senses, Lillith. Now go and get some sleep." King Cerin told his daughter.

Lillith left her father with a small nod. Words can't describe how furious she was, with furious being an understatement, and she wasn't just going to obey her father this easily. The next morning she was going to show this etiquette teacher how 'well-mannered' she could be, and that was just the beginning. A grin appeared on her lips when she thought about all the trouble she was going to cause her dear father.

She was walking through the hallways of the Eastern wing, which was meant for business. The Northern wing was for her parents, the Western wing was for their staff, the centre of the palace consisted of the living room and the dining room, and finally the Southern wing was hers. Lillith turned left, when she was suddenly pinned against the wall. Someone kissed her while he touched her butt. And may that someone just happened to be the lovely Damon.

"Damon, seriously fuck off! Let me go! Don't touch me you fucking asshole!" Lillith screamed while she tried to free herself from Damon's strong grip.

"I like to touch my hot future wife. Admit it babe, you like it." Damon said.

"Go fuck yourself." She told him.

"I'd rather fuck you, babe." Damon told Lillith with a cocky smirk on his lips.

Lillith kneed Damon in his sensitive spot and when he flinched back in pain, she took the opportunity and ran away.

"You can't run away from me forever, babe!" Damon screamed after her.

Lillith ran to her room as fast as her legs could possibly carry her, and she locked it straight away. Her enormous room had grey walls and a black, soft carpet.

She undressed herself and threw her violet princessy dress in the laundry basket.

That was another thing that she hated. She was only allowed to wear long, princessy dresses in the palace, because she was the Princess of course and her parents wanted her to be a presentable young lady. But when she was alone, she would wear skinny jeans and a t-shirt or short, dark coloured dresses.

She walked over to her gigantic closet and changed into a black, short nightgown. She removed her dark make-up and brushed her pearly white, perfect teeth. She decided to take a shower the next morning.

Lillith laid down in her Queen-size bed, she pressed herself onto the soft matress and she pulled her silk, burgundy coloured sheets tightly against her body.

She closed her eyes and went to sleep, because she would need all her energy for her little plan which would start the next morning. With that in her mind and a devilish smirk on her face, she drifted off to sleep.

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