"What the fuck was that, Frank?" Gerard was pacing the front lounge of their bus.
They're the only two in the bus because all the other guys have left for a party. Gerard is fuming over what happened on stage tonight.
He'd specifically told Frank to stop whatever the fuck they always do onstage, but Frank being the stonehead he is, refused to obligate the simple request.
Frank looked up from his lap and asked, "What was what?" He's sitting on the couch and watches Gerard pacing in front of him.
Gerard has a girlfriend. He broke up with Frank a few days ago, after a few weeks he'd met Lindsey. She is what he always wanted in a girl. She's beautiful, kind, caring. She's the one that he wants to settle down and have a family with. Frank though. Frank didn't want that.
"I told you, Frank. I told you to stop messing around. We can't do this anymore. We can't be together-"
Frank stood up from the couch and said, "We can't be together?! Why not? I don't understand why can't we be together. After 5 years, Gerard, 5 years! I cheated on Jamia and left her just to be with you. I broke her fucking heart because of you!"
"But we can't be together! I can't..I can't be with you..." Gerard trailed off.
That's when the shit hit the fan.
Frank could feel the tears in his eyes, his head hurts, his body hurts. But nothing hurts more than the words that left Gerard's lips.
"You don't love me. " Frank stated, feeling all emotions hitting him at once. Sadness, anger, fear, heartbroken. Pain.
Gerard sighed and said, "Frankie, no. No, baby of course I love you. 5 years. How could I not love you if I have been with you for that long?"
Frank barked out a humourless laugh. "No let me rephrase that. You don't love me anymore." He felt like he was going to faint so he sat back down on the couch.
Gerard shook his head and sat down next to Frank. He went and grab his hand but Frank snatched it away mumbling, “Don't touch me”.
Gerard put his hands in his lap and said, "Frankie, I love you. Believe me, baby it hurts me as much as it hurts you." Frank snorted at that. "But you need to understand. I can't settle down with a guy. It doesn't feel right."
Frank looked at him like he'd grown two heads, "What? Gerard, that doesn't make sense, of course you can settle down with a guy. If you love me, you can,” Frank brought his hand to Gerard's cheek and turn his head to face him, "Please Gerard. I-I, I'll do anything. Please baby, I don't want to lose you. I love you so much," He started crying again, "So much Gee, please. Please.. " Frank slid off the couch and knelt between Gerard's legs to hold his face with both of his hands and kissed his lips softly.
Gerard could feel tears falling from his eyes as he watched Frank begging for him not to leave him. Of course Gerard loved Frank. He still does. After 5 years of being together, how can he just stop loving him. He knows he's breaking the young man's heart and he felt terrible. When they first start going out, Gerard thought that maybe Frank was the one for him.
Gerard pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead on Frank's, "Listen to me Frank," Gerard whispered, "I love you. I swear I mean it, like when I said it the first time, and I do when say it right now. You helped me through a lot. You made me happy. You're the best person I've ever met. I'm sorry I'm breaking your heart baby. It breaks my heart when I see you like this. "
"No no no no," Frank shook his head and pulled his head away to look at Gerard. "You don't want to be together because of the media right? You-you're scared, " he stood up and started pacing in front of Gerard, "Okay. Okay. It's okay. Let's run away. Yes, we can run away-" Frank panicked.