Lykos (Insomniac) IV

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Authors Note: I'm going to be doing different chapters from different points of view, to keep the parallel characters going :) If you're confused by who's POV it is, just look at the chapter name and you'll know. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!

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He breathed the silence. Cool darkness of the night air lingered on his face as he strode along the riverbank. Snow crunched beneath his boots, and water gurgled below him. Slabs of stone directed the path of the river around the village, and naked willow trees hung their branches like curtains over the obsidian depths. The waning moon cast silver shadows on the ripples gushing over exposed rocks, and it lit up the snow as if by magic. Crystals of ice clung to the reeds nestling into crevices in the rocks and silt, and they rustled behind him. 

He whirled, so quickly his shape was a translucent blur. The scent of damp earth filled his nostrils, as he silently slid behind a roughened tree trunk. His gaze sharpened as a disturbance in the water caught his eye. He listened for sounds of an ambush behind him, and finding none, he narrowed his eyes at the swaying reeds.

A river otter padded quietly, her paws squelching in the dampness of the silt. Two smaller otters followed behind her, scurrying along the rocks until she guided them along a small ledge of stone, where they disappeared into a thicket. He let out a breath, quietly, and rested the back of his head against the bark of the tree. 

So edgy, so tense. What was it that was disturbing him so? Why was he lying awake at night, his thoughts tormented with images of masked assassins with empty eyes, their blades waking him with physical pain if he dared to fall asleep? His father was an impenetrable wall, his mother a well-meaning busybody. How could he explain his fears? His late night explorations gave him reassurance of his surroundings, but his mind would not let go a nagging unease. A small town, a new home, new school, new people. Life never stopped moving on, and yet some things would never change. 

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