Catching Up

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''Mommy!" my three and a half old daughter called out from up staires. Last time you had heard from me, I was a seventeen year old girl trying to figure out what was I going to do with my life. I was atleast two weeks pregnant. Yes I was alone in the begining but when I gave birth, I was adpoted by Dr. Harper and Mrs. Harper. They showed me the thing that my grandma was trying to teach and things that my birth parents could not. They supported me through the whole pregnancy too. After my pregrancey, I had went back to school and got my diploma. Yes I am in collage♥. And I know some you guys are wonder what is going on with me and Mac's relationship. Welllllll...... I have not talk to him since the break up, so he does not know about my child. Oh also had I mention that I named my daughter Destiny(after my mom) Juliann(after my grandma) Miller.

By the way I know that not his real last name but I like Miller so yeah

I was now sitting in the living room trying to get do one of my online classes.

Me:yess hunny !

She began to come down the staries holding her teddy bear with her greyish eyes looking all watery as though she has been crying .

Destiny: mommy I had waking uwp with ywou nwot there and ywou where not in your woom swo I got scward

Destiny is 3 so when she say words with U, Y, N ,and R she add the letter w, so I purposley add them in the story.

Me: It's ok sweetie

I began to log off my class and shut down my macbook.

Destiny:mommy cwan I get some cwookies.(She said as she walked to me)

Me:Ummm yes you can. Hey do you want a piggy back ride too the kitchen?

Destiny jumped with excitment which let me know she wanted one. So I bend down and she got on holding on to my shoulders. When her legs where around me, I stood up slowly and grab her legs and move side to side pretending like I was a airplane.

Me:arrrrrr!(making airplane sounds) Captin Destiny are you ok back there

Destiny:Hahaha....Wehhhhhh!!(she says while laughing like she was having the time of her life.)

When we got near the kitchen, I had grab her wastie carefully and sat her on counture. When I open up the cabinet, I tried to reach but I was to short . So I grab my 2 step stool which was in between the wall and the frige. After geting the stool next to the cabinet, I climb on it and grab the sugar cookies. I sat them done on the counture next to Destiny I soon put my stool back and open the frige, and grab the milk and mad 2 cups:one for me and one for destiny. When I got done pouring them in a cup, I put the milk back and pick Destiny up put her down on the floor. Destiny began to run to the living room screaming cookies! I began to chuckle and walk to the livinv room with the cookies in milk and my hand. When I was about to sit them down on the table which was in front of the couch, Destiny came and sat in the middle of the floor with her 2 barbies ,the pink car,and 2 male kens. I began to take one of the cookies but Destiny had beat me to it. Seeing her chi down on the cookies, I began to chuckle.I soon grab the remote and began flipping to channels, till I got to mtv. There they began to show re-runs of Ridiculousness. I began to laugh at all of the shows until that one eposide, thats when I show him.


Authors Notes

Hey guys its me! I know i took long but I been very very very very busy but I hope you really love because I enjoyed writing it. Also if you wonder how Destiny look, she is on the cover page along with Ariel and Mac. Stay tune for next chapter and follow me on instagram(STILL_TRIPPENTHO)and post a postive comment about the story on 1 of my picture, so I can follow back). Thanx and I love you guys sooooooooooo much ♥

|||Destiny in MM|||

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