X-Men +

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To play you need a big space indoors or out doors (preferably outdoors) with a lot of obstacles so you are able to hide and move from place to place without being in such danger from other opponent's powers. "M" means "Mississippi's" so you need to count "1 Mississippi's, 2 Mississippi's..." and so on. You have to count out loud so other people trust you are not cheating. So the game would be fair, the players should be evenly divided into 2 teams or more. If the group is big, put something on yourself so you can distinguish in what team you are in. The most important rule is that there is no justice. Because there is no way to figure out if you died or not, if you are told you got shot, you got shot. No arguing or you are out of the game. Other rule is no hitting. If your power involves touching some one, don't hit him/her just tap on them or hold them by the shoulders. If you do some sort of hitting, you are out. Last rule is to have fun. Of course.


The powers with the "*" are the ones that you can only choose that one. The ones with nothing on them, you are allowed to choose two.

Professor X: Changing people's mind

The opponent has to do exactly what the person containing this power says. To do this you must touch the person.

Cyclops: Laser eyes

Can kill the opponent from a long distance (10 ft) for 10 M.

Iceman: Freezing and becoming ice*

Can freeze other people for 20 M and can become ice that works as a shield. If Pyro is in the game and Pyro touches him/her (that is frozen), he/she is unfrozen.

Pyro: Manipulate fire

Can burn someone for 10 M from a short distance (5 ft).

Beast: Have longer lasting life and claws*

If you were shot once you don't die, by the second time shot you are dead for 10 M. Can kill people (touching them) for 10 M.

Phoenix: Teleport

With your unique hand movement you can teleport from one point to another without anyones power over you.

Mimic: Copy other powers*

You can only have one power at a time and can only be powers from the other players.

Polaris: Force fields and energy blasts*

Nock someone out for 10 M. You also have a force field that protects you from any other powers.

Havoc: Absorbs and lets go of cosmic energy

You can absorb the energy of fire. You can kill someone for 10 M.

Petra: Earth manipulation*

Make earthquakes, volcanos, and dirt/rock walls. For the earthquake, everyone close to you (5 ft or less) is impacted and is disabled for 5 M.

Sway: Time control

Every one around you in sight is to stop what their doing and they cannot move. You can only use this power for 10 M.

Nightcrawler: Invisibility, teleportation

With your unique hand movement you can teleport from one point to another without anyones power over you. And with a different hand signal (for invisibility), you can pass by and the people have to pretend you're not there. You are allowed to do anything.

Banshee: Sonic scream

Disable opponents for 10 M. To activate this power you must scream.

Storm: Weather manipulation*

You can manipulate weather such as creating lightning, making it rain, making it sunny, and other weather conditions. All of the weather conditions can disable for 10 M.

Rogue: Absorbs powers

As long as you're touching the person, that persons power is disabled.

Dazzler: Laser, brilliant flashes

You can paralyze the people looking at you for 10 M.

Cannonball: Personal explosive shield

Anyone that gets 2 ft of closer to you is disabled for 5 M when your shield is on. You can only have your shield on for 10 M with a pause of 5 M or more before your next shield.

Joseph: Electrical bolts

Shock anyone 10 ft or closer to you for 10 M.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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