Dr. Mila has arrived

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She looked at herself in the mirror. A smile grew on her lips as she stared back at herself satisfied with the way she looked. Her long blonde hair straightened and her baby blue eyes were striking against her natural makeup.

She sighed. "First day on the job. I can totally do this." She muttered to herself as she fixed her lipstick.

"Of course you can do this," a soft female voice spoke. "You've been trained well, volunteered all your free time and received an early diploma for all your work and efforts. You're a smart young lady!" She exclaimed proudly.

"Thanks mom," Mila replied as she smiled at the woman standing at the doorway. "All set." She said as she twisted her lipstick down and closed the cap, placing it gently down on the bathroom sink.

Her mother moved out of the way as she made her way back to her bedroom and put on her white coat.

"I've always dreamed of this moment darling, ever since you were born," her mother said with tears in her eyes.

"Aww mom don't cry..come on, I have a feeling I'm gonna have enough depression at the asylum. I don't need to start here," she chuckled as she hugged her mom and kissed her cheek.

Her mother nodded and smiled. "Right. But I'm more hurt that you're leaving us. I don't trust Gotham at all."

"Oh well, that's just how it works. It's better this way, I'm closer to work and I'll have a bit more independence. More study time." Mila smiled as she stuck her tongue out.

"Mhmm... you will tell me if there are any boys, right?" She asked cocking her brows.

Mila grabbed her purse as she walked out of the room. "Of course mother! I gotta go now. Love you!" She said as she hurried out of the door.

Gotham was quite a drive from her parents place but she didn't mind. She had always wanted to live there. For some reason her parents always avoided it even though it was the next town over. She always wondered why they wouldn't go, even when she had asked as a child.

"All my friends go, why can't I?" An 8 year old Mila  asked.

"There's no reason to sweetheart, there's nothing to do there! Just a bunch of criminals and bad guys." Her parents would insist.

Now that she was older and had managed to find a job at the biggest, baddest place Gotham had, she had decided to turn over a new leaf. Leaving her loving parents behind and starting anew was just what she needed.

She drove straight to the asylum, knowing her apartment could wait til after work. She drove carefully along the narrow roads, furrowing her brows as she noticed the sky was darker, the weather was...thicker.

Fog? Was that fog?

She gazed upon the huge tower before her, almost mansion like with various sharp structures pointing up to the heavens. How stereotypical, she thought as a smile crept on her face.

She couldn't help but smile though, even though she was a little creeped out.

She parked her car and slowly walked out of it, looking around. She saw an entrance and walked in.

Her heart thumped against her chest as she let out a breath.

You can do this. First day. It's always nerve wracking the first day. I got this.

She silently cheered herself on with every step she took towards the entrance, her white coat neatly hugging every curve of her body.

As she entered she saw various security guards in heavy armor standing at every doorway there. She cleared her throats and walked to the front desk.

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