Frost & Mila

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(Yay for more flashbacks!)

"It's best if we transfer her to a hospital. I can get her her own private suite. Under my supervision 24/7, she'll receive the surgery she needs and will recover much more quickly." The Joker couldn't process the doctor's words. He wore a stoic expression and had been clutching his gun for as long as the doctor had been working.

"Sir..." The doctor tried getting his attention again. Raising the pistol up, the Joker placed the barrel against the doctors forehead. 

"Do what needs to be done. NOW." His words seeped through his mouth like venom and the doctor began sweating again. Putting his gun back in his waistband, the Joker turned quickly on his heels and walked out of the room.

"FROST!" His voice boomed down the hallway. Without even having to wonder where Frost was, the Joker saw him appear right in front of him down the hall. The tall, bearded man walked quickly towards him.

"Boss." He acknowledged.

"We're taking Mila to the hospital. Well, you are. I'll swoop in when it's safe through a different entrance. I am trusting you, Frosty, to keep your eye on Mila at all times. You'll call me every step of the way. The good doctor will be guiding you along the way." The Joker spoke before walking past him, but before he could get too far, he turned back and clutched Frost's arm tightly. "And you better not let anyone other than the doctor's get close to Mila."

And with that, the Joker walked down the hall.

Frost watched his boss disappear and walked into the room, seeing an unconscious Mila on the bed and the doctor shakily packing up his things.

"Whenever you're ready, doc," he nodded at the doctor, who had calmed down at the sight of the stern yet friendlier-than-the-Joker man.

Frost turned back to look at Mila and studied her features. He couldn't help the smile forming on his face when he remembered back to the moment he had first laid eyes on that innocent face.


"So, the boss had a kid huh?" A man with a face full of scars spoke as he stared down at his cards.

They were playing 21, and Frost was winning.

"Yup...little girl," Frost mumbled as he placed down a card.

The man with the scars smirked. "Well, hope he grows a heart then. If not, the poor kids gonna grow up a fucken loon, just like her mother.'' 

Without even looking up from his cards, Frost took out his pistol and shot the man in the head. He peeked up and watched the two other men sitting quietly looking at him in terror. 

"The fuck's your problem Frost?" One of them asked.

"Anyone else wanna take a cheap shot at the boss?" Frost asked. The two men kept quiet, continuing their game. 

Frost's loyalty was unquestionable. People wondered why he had invested that loyalty in the Joker though. In actuality, not even Harley knew. 

"Yo Frost," a voice called out from outside the room, "boss wants ya."

Frost sighed and stood up, throwing his cards on the table.


And with that, he walked out. He kept a steady pace towards the Joker's office, where he'd usually respond to his calls. But on his way there, he saw his boss clutching a bundle standing outside of the bedroom. When the Joker noticed Frost walking his way, a huge grin was on his face. Frost hadn't seen the baby before, nor had he seen this side of the Joker. The only things the Joker held were guns and weapons, money, and maybe a handful of strippers. But never an innocent baby, unless he intended to hurt it. So the sight of his boss in such a light and cheery mood with his own child left Frost somewhat surprised but he didn't make it obvious.

"Ahhh Frosty! Follow me!" The Joker spoke excitedly as he entered the bedroom. Once inside, Frost watched as the Joker walked to him slowly and showed him the baby.

"Thissss is Mila, our little successor!" The Joker said as Frost studied the baby. Her face looked innocent and she was fast asleep, clutching onto her own blanket with her tiny hands. Frost couldn't help but smile. He hadn't seen anything so perfect in such a long time.  He couldn't remember a time when he had genuinely felt this happy, even when his own children were born. The tininess of her face, her lips, her nose, her hands, suddenly it was as if she made the world a better place.

"She's so...perfect," Frost muttered. 

"Let him hold her puddin!" Harley's voice rang out from behind them. Frost turned to her and greeted her politely. 

"Hey harls, how ya doin?" He asked.

"Still a little sore, but i'll be good as new soon, Frosty boy!" She said with a smile and a slap to Frost's shoulder.

"Hold out your arms," the Joker commanded, and as Frost did, the Joker placed the light little bundle in his arms. As soon as Frost took the child, he froze up. His body began to tense but he looked down at her face and smiled. She slowly began to stir and he watched her face twist as she began to wail.

The Joker laughed out as he watched Frost nervously looking up at Harley.

"Relaxxx she's just hungry," Harley smirked.

"You heard the lady, Frosty, whip out those bad boys and feed the child! Ahahahaha!!" The Joker bellowed over the baby's loud crying.


Having just arrived at the hospital, Frost watched the doctor's and nurses hook Mila up to a fresh IV and other things that made his head hurt. He kept a firm watch on her at all times and even followed them to the operating room.

"I'm sorry sir, we can't allow anyone else in during the operation. You can wait right outside the door, however, and one of us will inform you when we are done," one of the nurses confronted Frost and held him back from going further in.

"But I have to keep an eye on her." Frost said worriedly. He was genuinely afraid, what if she didn't make it? He didn't fear Joker's wrath anymore, he feared heartbreak. His own heart. That girl was almost like his own child, how could he allow anything to happen to her?

"Sir, I promise, it's gonna be OK. We'll keep you updated." The nurse said, and upon Frost's nod of approval, disappeared behind several doors.

Frost sat down and sighed, taking out his phone. He texted Joker "They're in" and put the phone back in his pocked. Leaning his head back against the wall, he tried to relax.


It had been 4 hours. Mila was finally rolled out of the operation room and as soon as the doctors and nurses burst through the double doors of the O.R., Frost scrambled up to his feet and had his eyes glued on the unconscious girl. As he watched them wheel her away, the same nurse he had confronted earlier came up to him with a huge smile on their face.

"The operation was successful. The lead from the bullet had gotten into her bloodstream but luckily we were able to eliminate any and all threats. She's gonna be just fine. You can see her in her own private suite on the very top floor in a couple hours. Til then, I suggest you let the doctors follow protocol." The nurse explained.

Frost nodded and thanked the nurse and walked out of the hospital, quickly taking out a cigarette and lighting it before dialing for the Joker.

"Boss. Everything's OK, she's in the clear." He announced shakily. He could hear the Joker's sigh, long and grueling. He knew just how much Mila meant to his boss, even if he couldn't admit it. 

"We'll be there soon anyway...The doctor sent me all the information I need." And with that, he hung up.

The doctor is in: Joker's and Harley's little clownWhere stories live. Discover now