A sad day when things come to an end (FINAL CHAPTER)

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(We've reached the GRAND FINALE! I love this story but I have no idea as to where i wanna go with it. So with that, I give you the final chapter to this series. Thanks for reading, favoriting, commenting. I do this for you guys. Enjoy!~)


"Is that really you Brucey?" The joker asked as he faced the man standing at the door.

Bruce smirked and proceeded to walk in, followed by David.
"Oh, and you've brought your lackey," the joker grinned.

"I'm not here for a fight, Joker. Not under these circumstances," Bruce explain.

At this point, Frost and the rest of the boys were surrounding the Joker clutching guns and knives. But Bruce wasn't intimidated. He kept his eyes fixed on the clown prince.

"Then pray tell, ol' Brucey, what brings you here?" The joker asked.

"I came here to offer my sympathies." Bruce spoke and extended his hand out, revealing flowers.
The joker scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"We may have had a troubling past but I've come to realize that we don't have to have the same future. I've spent all my life combatting evil, trying to get them to see the error of their ways. Trying to make things right.
If this is gonna make things right, then so be it," Bruce said.

The joker smirked and signaled for his men to back off.

"And what if this is another trick? What if you attempt to take us back to Arkham again?" The joker grinned.

"I'm too old to keep up with this charade. My successors would be in the line of fire if I try anything, I'm sure. For that reason, I want to call off this war between us. You're a father. I'm a father.

Let's let bygones be bygones." Bruce said.

The Joker studied the man's face and then looked at the people around them.
Bruce had a point, their children would be far safer in a world where fights between vigilantes and crime-doers were non existent.

That's what the police were for. And as corrupt as the police were in Gotham, it beat having a masked man dressed in a bag suit. The joker did consider this for a second but grinned.

"And by agreeing to these...terms...you think I won't attempt to take over Gotham again?" The Joker asked.

Bruce looked sternly at the clown but knew that words alone wouldn't combat whatever evil was coming.

"I'd trust for your daughters sake, you wouldn't do anything reckless." Bruce said.

"Well, even if I did, my daughter would reap the benefits. It's your son you should worry about," the Joker said as he turned to Alex.

"Stop this." Bruce said finally. The Joker turned to face Bruce again but was met with hard eyes and a demeanor that was now totally different.

"I know that you won't change, Joker. I know you control over half of Gotham already. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but don't you see what's happened here? As much as I hate to admit, our children have taken a liking to one another. We have both made mistakes in the past. You've killed innocents, you've commited heinous crimes, and while i've vowed to never let you get away with it, i've come to realize why you do the things you do," Bruce explained.

The Joker scoffed. "This should be good."

"If I hadn't been surrounded by wonderful people like Gordon or Alfred after the death of my parents, I would have turned out just like you," Bruce said slowly, letting his words sink in. The Joker grinned and began to laugh.

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