(18) Replacement

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I've been having... family issues again. So I had to take a break. I'll be updating as much and soon as I can. I'm sorry for the delay guys. (I love how I'm decreasing in fans while increasing. I had 130 before I took a break and got like a million emails saying more people became my fans, but when I looked at my count today, I only had 141. I feel so loved, aha.

Has anyone else noticed the new layout for stories? I just saw it the other day. It's awesome! But I'm so confused to wear you vote, and when reading your comments (you guys are so cute!)  I finally found it !

Oh yes, and I've been having SO many ideas for books lately. I have like a billion ideas in my work section on Wattpad. They range from a defiant teen learning about her heritage and powers as an elementalist to a bitchy Alpha's daughter who's rejected from her "new kid" mate for not being like the female mates in the books to a young man's new kitten turning into a half human, half teenage girl during the day! I have TONS of ideas and they just won't stop!

Oh! Oh! Oh! And I need your help picking out a Roxy. I can't choose, and I really need nsome suggestions and help. The person who picks out the best person (and has decent writing - that means nothing dreafully awful/cheesy) gets to write the twentith chapter of LEC! Of course, I'll be looking it over so the characters aren't too out of their normal personalities and the plot makes sense - but it's only so I know you aren't getting Lucas stabbed in the neck with a gun. (Makes sense.)So get looking fans! (You guys have no idea how crushed I'll be if none of you participate. ;-;) Anyway I really need to stop rambling, enjoy your chapter! 

(18) Replacement

Biting my lip, I glanced over at my friends wearily, running a hand through my thick raven hair before daring myself to look over at him again. Eyes meeting, they clashed, as if duelling each other, daring one another to see who would look away first. Green eyes narrowed, a smirk quirked my pink lips as he glanced away quickly and a bubble of victorious laughter escaped through my lips. 

The new kid ground his teeth together in frustration, shaking his new friend's hand off as they patted him on the shoulder in compensation. Stomping over, he slammed his fist against our lunch table and we all broke out in simultaneous giggles. A cheeky grin streching his mouth, her introduced himself boldly and I could already tell I was in for it.

"I'm Ivan, I just moved here. I can't believe you beat me in that staring contest, you're awesome!" 

He grinned, holding up his large hand for me to high five; which I did happily. His voice, although gruff held a thick accent to it, but as hard as I tried, I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

"Thanks! I'm Roxy! I was new here a while ago, and so was my best friend Amanda - that's her, right there." 

Pointing out my airhead of a best friend, you could practically see the lust in his eyes the moment his eyes landed on her. Chuckling, I looked between them, coughing extra loud for extra effect. Snappping out of his trance, Ivan looked over at me suddenly, cheeks tinged pink as Amanda sat there absent mindedly, singing lightly to herself and chomping on her crispy french fries that she had bought from the cafeteria store. I instead slowly snuck  some of her fries and the rest of my new group's food; feeling too lazy to get up and buy my own food. 

Coughing, Ivan looked around the half empty table and I gestured for him to sit down between Amanda and I - knowing that they, or rather he, had a lot to talk about. Sitting down, Ivan began chatting away to Amanda and she looked up at him and nodded, a small seductive smile crossing her lips. 

Glancing around the lunch room with dull eyes, I caught sight of Lucas talking with Minnie - two people I would never have expected to be talking to each other. Ever. Of course, I just so happened to be the worst lip reader in the States. 

"Go dry my spoons, mister llama?" 

I mumbled to myself, shaking my head and chuckling as I tried to get what they were saying right. Why I didn't just walk over and talk with them was beyond me, but for some reason my stomach just couldn't hold the fact that Lucas could laugh that way with Minnie. Perhaps I had caught the flu bug, or maybe I had been become pregnant with a super galactic baby the size of a mosquito. Or was it just jealousy? 


That's when I began to burst out into laughter. How could I be jealous? Over them? Trying to contain my hysterical fit, I finally calmed down in a short ten minutes; earning myself the eyes of every last person in the entire cafeteria.

"What? I just remembered Barbie's face and I just couldn't hold it in."

I shrugged, lying through my teeth with such ease, it almost made it seem too easy. Looking over at Amanda, she cocked a perfect blond eyebrow, immediately catching onto the fact that I was lying. Standing up, she offered an apologetic smile to Ivan, before grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the cafeteria. 

Dragging me into the bathroom, she taped her foot impatiently as she waited for me to spill the beans on whatever I had been laughing about.

"Okay... so maybe I'm feeling a little replaced."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2012 ⏰

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