Chapter 30

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I walk down the beach, toward the peir, hugging myself in Tyler's hoodie.

"Hey." He greets as I'm about half way there. I jump and cover my chest above my heart.

"Tyler." I say sternly. "Don't do that." I laugh.

"Sorry." He chuckles, slinging his arm around my shoulders. He kisses my cheek and looks at the sky.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Oh, just the previous day, my dad, my life." He takes in a heavy breath. "You."

"Oh how cheesy." I say, hitting his chest playfully.

"Wasn't it?" He chuckles again. "But seriously." He says, slightly knitting his eyebrows together, looking down at me.

"Well," I start. "The previous day is over, it's behind you so I suggest you leave it there. You should write to your dad, it will be good for the both of you. And as for your life, just keep moving forward." We smile at each other.

"And what about you?"

"Hey, I'm still here aren't I?" He stops and stands in front of me.

"What else?" He says, just above a whisper.

"What else?" I repeat. "Uhh..." He rolls his eyes and kisses me lightly. "I'm not going anywhere, so don't you worry about it."

"Alright." He confirms, lacing his fingers between mine.

"Now talk." I command. "I didn't come out here to just walk with you." Well...

"Alright." He huffs. "I think it's time." I tilt my head.

"Time for what?" I ask.

"Look, Riley. I can't hold back my feelings any longer. I think we should make it official." He looks into my eyes and I can't help but smile.

I mean finally! If he would've taken much longer, I think I would've exploded.

"Hello, Riley?" He says, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yes?" I ask. "Oh yeah." I facepalm. "Yes of course." I throw my arms around his neck. He wraps his around my waist and pulls me off the ground.

"Oh, finally." He says, his voice muffled in my neck. He puts me down easily, kissing my head before standing up straight. "I was completely nervous about this. Do you know what that's like?" I giggle.

"Yes, actually. I do."

"Well, I feel sorry for you."

"And you should." He leans in and kisses me, long and easy.

"Nice to see you came back last night." My mom says, startling me and making me spill orange juice onto the counter.

"What is it with people and scaring me when I'm getting juice?" I ask, throwing a paper towel down on the mess.

"Why do you always drink juice?" Cameron states as he walks lazily through the kitchen.

"Good one." I point. "Wait, you knew I left?"

"Yes, I was having one of those dreams where we were getting robbed-"


"- and when I heard the back door close-"


"- I came down to investigate and saw you walking down the beach."

"And you didn't come ask what I was doing?"

"No, I trust you. Shouldn't I?"

"Y-yes you should."

"What did you do?" She asks, sudden suspicion entering her voice.

"Nothing. I went to talk to Tyler because he couldn't sleep. That's it, end of story."

"That had better be the end of the story." She huffs. "If I hear that you two did something..."

"What, what are you going to do?" I ask challengingly.

"I'm going to strangle you!" She say, hugging me so tight. "And I'll probably just realize that my baby is growing up. You're almost eighteen." She takes in a deep breath as I tear up a bit.

"Mom, I'll still bug you. All the time even." She laughs.

"I hope not. I'd have to get a restraining order on my own kid." We laugh together. "What do you want to do today?" She asks after we regain ourselves.

"I don't know." I sigh. "What ab-" my phone starts ringing. "Sorry, I have to take this." I kiss my mom's cheek before exiting the back door. "Hello?"

"H-hey." The person on the other end says.

"Who is this?" I ask warily.

"M-Mikey." He says.

"Mikey, what's wrong?"

"I don't know where I am." He says quickly.

"Are y-"

"Yes I'm drunk. I can't think right, I want to go home but I don't know where that is."

"Where was the party?" That's probably a dumb question.

"The skate park." He says. I knew it.

"Alright, I'm going to go grab Tyler and Vi-"

"Not Violet. Please not Violet!" He begs.

"Alright. Not Violet. I'm getting Tyler though and we're going to come find you. Ok?"


"Mom!" I shout, running toward the front door. "Mom I'm taking the car, it's an emergency!"

"How so?"

"Mikey's lost and drunk-"


"And I need to go find him before something bad happens." I say, bouncing a little. I take the keys from the hook and open the door.

"Text me so I know you're still alive." She calls as I run to the car.

"I will." I call back before I close the car door and pull out of the driveway.

So, I don't know how good this chapter was but I'm on to the next one.

It's early...

But, I have a warning.
I will not be updating next Friday due to family time for the holiday. I will continue the week after though so don't worry.

Thank you again for reading and make sure you vote when you like it and comment when you want to. Remember, I don't bite.

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