The stars are burning bright [ jacob black story 02]

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I couldn't sleep that night. The old house creaked every second. I made me move here. And I hadn't forgotten that I hated it.

I absolutely hated it.

And what was worse was that school started back tomorrow. I knew that everyone was going to hate me here. And I was going to hate them, too. You might call me cynical but I call it reality.

I walked into the kitchen and let out a groan. My mother was already in there, sipping her coffee and reading her newspaper.

"Good morning, Teg." She smiled, taking a small sip of her coffee.

I merely grunted in response and opened the fridge. I got a glass of orange juice and a bowl of Captain Crunch. I took a seat at the bar in our kitchen, trying to steer clear of Mom. I didn't want her to explode into another one of her episodes again. I'm saying I wanted to be nice...but I needed to be civil.

"Tegan," She whispered, turning around to look at me. Her pretty face looked worn out. Her usually long straight blonde hair was frizzy and pulled back into a pony tail. Maybe she was so worn out from work-or worry. I wasn't sure. Her usually sparkling eyes were dull and there were huge purple bags hanging down from them.

"Whhaat?" I asked with a mouthful of cereal.


She sighed, and set down her newspaper, "Look, I know that you hate me right now-but I was only trying to do what was best for you two. I hope you know that I wouldn't ever try to ruin your life."

I rolled my eyes, "It's a little too late for that." I hated seeing her like this-but it didn't change what she did, "Mom-why couldn't we be happy back at home. I hate it here."

"I lived here when I was a teenager and I loved it...give it a chance." She pleaded, gripping her coffee cup, tightly. Her knuckles were almost white.

"I'm not you..." I said in a monotone voice, scooping up another spoon-full of cereal and stuffing it in my mouth.

She gripped the cup even tighter and sighed, "I know...but this town really isn't so bad."

I laughed sarcastically, "Mom, have you not seen it? It's horrible. I cant stand it here. Why can't we go back?"

She only shook her head.

I groaned, "Please, Mom."

She sighed once again, "I lost my job, Tegan."

There were tears in her voice.

"W-what?" I asked confused. I thought that she had got a better offer at the bakery here. She was a great cook. And she had known these people growing up. I thought that they wanted her back. I thought that was why we moved.

"I didn't want to tell you...but that's why we moved. I didn't know what else to do. If we would have stayed there..." She stifled a sob. "We just--w-we couldn't stay."

I stared at her in disbelief, why didn't she just tell me this from the beginning? Why did she lie?

I couldn't deny that I was angry but I was also sorry. I knew that my mom was just trying to make things better for us. I just wish things could be better back home...

I placed a reassuring hand on my moms shaking shoulder, "It's okay, Mom. Geez, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't of acted like that...I was...I am pissed. But--I'll get over it." I quickly added a convincing smile.

She smiled at me, her eyes still seemed dull--but a little less dull, "Thanks Tegan."

I forced a smile. I wasn't mad at my mom, but I still didn't want to be here. I wanted to go back home. I wanted to see my friends again.

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