The stars are burning bright [jacob black story 09]

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I sat in my bed with my eyes wide open. I couldn't sleep at all. I'd been trying to for the last few hours and it was pointless. I was too excited and nervous. I flipped the television channel to the Food Network--it used to always help me fall asleep, but I doubt it would this time. Tasha was coming over in a matter of hours. I had so much to tell her--and I'm sure she had a lot to tell me, mostly about Stephen. I bit my lip. Just thinking about him made me feel bad. I shut my eyes and laid my head back on my pillow. I just needed to relax and go to sleep.

I pulled the covers to my chin--it didn't help that Jacob Black was down the hall. It really annoyed the hell out of me that he had decided to spend the night here every other night. But at least he hadn't pulled another one of his...stunts. I guess that was one word for it. I remembered the smug look on his face after he kissed me and knew that I wanted him to. After he knew that I had always wanted him to.

I shut my eyes tightly. No. That wasn't what happened at all. I just...lost my self control, at a very unfortunate time. I remembered his rough lips on mine and his hot breath on my face.

Stop thinking about that. I instructed myself, shaking the memory out of my head. Just forget about it.

I shut my eyes and let my breathing slow down. Yes, maybe I could finally get some sleep.


"Wake up!" Growled a deep voice from somewhere close by.

I pulled the covers over my face and groaned, "Lemme alone Lee..." I mumbled, not even bothering to open my eyes. It was the weekend-I could sleep as long as I wanted. I heard laughter, but I decided to disregard it. I probably looked ridiculous, my hair must have been a mess and now I pulled the covers over my head. But I could really care less what Lee thought of me.

"Get up!" He yelled, hoping on top of me. Oh my God. He was heavy.

I suddenly opened my eyes, "Get the hell off of me!" I yelled, throwing the covers off of my face. I opened my eyes and saw Jacob Black sitting on top of me. I felt my face heat up, I suddenly felt extremely self-conscious. I know that I looked extremely bad in the mornings. "J-jacob!" I yelled, trying to keep my voice steady, which was fairly hard considering he was practically straddling me.

He laughed and smiled, "Good morning sunshine. Don't you look beautiful." I scowled, but I could tell my face was turning red.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, trying to pry myself from underneath him--which was not working, at all.

Jacob smirked, "Here? As in at your house, in your room, or on top of you?" I felt my heart beat accelerate. Hopefully he couldn't tell how nervous he made me. Especially from his last interjection.

"...Or on top of you?"

"All of the above." I said, biting my lip.

He put his arms on either side of my body and pushed himself closer to me. "Oh, I forgot..." I eyed him skeptically. What was this prick talking about?

"What the..." I whispered, as Jacob put his hands underneath me and flipped me over, so that now I was sitting on top of him, a huge smirk spread across his face. "Oh my God!" I yelled, pushing myself off of him. "What is wrong with you?" I was now standing by my dresser, searching for a pair of shorts to slip on. Of course I was only wearing a t-shirt. His hands were behind his head and he was still lying in my bed.

"I forgot you liked it on top."

I let my mouth hang open.

He did not just say that.

I blushed madly and pointed towards the door, "Bye Jacob." He laughed as he got off of my bed.

"Yeah, I'm leaving." He walked towards the door but instead of leaving he turned around and stared at me.

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