The stars are burning bright [jacob black story 07]

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It seemed like I hadn't seen Jacob at all since our last encounter. He'd been missing a lot of school. A lot. Not to mention every time I saw him he seemed to dodge me. Embry told me he'd just been getting sick lately--I didn't buy it. It was as if I'd scared him off--which was the opposite of what should be happening.

It was weird.

And it was bothering me. He was all I could think about lately--and I didn't know why.

I didn't like him.

No. I absolutely would never like him.

I shouldn't be wondering about this anyway. I shook the thoughts out of my head and took a seat at the lunch table in between Quil and Embry.

"Well, hello there," spoke Quil wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I made a disgusted face in response.

I stole a french fry of of Embry's tray and stuffed it in my mouth. "Hey!" Yelled an angry Embry. "Hey!" I yelled back with a wave.

Geez, these guys were extremely protective over their food.

"Oh guess what!" I yelled, taking a sip of some Diet Coke I had just gotten out of a machine.

Jared and Kim walked up to the table and took a seat, their arms around each other.


Everyone looked at me, "What?"

"Tasha's coming next week!" I squealed. I was positively excited. She was my best friend. And I couldn't wait for everyone to meet her. They were going to love her.

"Whoa-who?" Asked Jared, breaking his gaze from Kim, who rolled her eyes at his obliviousness.

I sighed loudly. "Oh-my-god. I've only been talking about this for months."

He laughed a little, "Sorry. I must have...forgotten."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Anyway. She's my best friend. And she's visiting next week!"

"Is she hott?" Asked and excited Quil."

I looked at him with the same expression I'd used earlier. "Ew. Shut up."

He laughed, "Take that as a yes."

I stole another one of Embry's fries and chunked it at Quil who picked it up and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Oh my God. You are sick."

He smirked and then stuffed his hamburger in his mouth.


"Hey guys." Came a deep voice from across the table I glanced up and saw Jacob taking a seat next to Jared. I felt my heart beat quicken. This was the first time in weeks he'd actually joined us for lunch.

He locked eyes with me for a second and then glanced away. A girl with bleached blonde hair-which was obviously fake considering she was probably Indian-took a seat next to him. I eyed them suspiciously.

Who is that?

I glanced at Embry who was also intently eying the two. He looked...



That wasn't right.

Why would Embry be mad?

I shrugged it off and decided to try to ignore them. Even though I wasn't eating anything I still felt like I might puke any time I looked at the two. I glanced at them quickly. The bleached blonde girl's hand and Jacob's were intertwined and she was whispering something into his ear. He smirked down at her and she giggled in response.

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