Friendship In Disaster

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Hollyfeather and Silverflower snook out of the camp as stealthy as the could. They wander the forest and finally finds the twoleg place and looks through out the twoleg dens. "Do you think they will be here today?" Hollyfeather said breaking the silence. Silverflower looked at her.
"I'm not so sure, they could be hidden," Silverflower replied. Silverflower and Hollyfeather looked through all of the corners, holes, and dark allies and still couldn't find the kittypets they sang to the night before. "What I bet I saw a cat move over there," Silverflower whispered to Hollyfeather and flicked her tail towards the tall stone tree.
"Hey! Please come her! It's us! Hollyfeather and Silverflower!" Hollyfeather mewed as loud as she can. They ran towards the cat. The notice it was one of the cat they sang to the night before. "We wanted to know if we could sing to you guys again?" Hollyfeather asked the tom. He was a black and white time with green eyes.
"Oh why not," the cat said unenthusiastically with a grim look. Hollyfeather and Silverflower sang to him a song they made up.

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