The Seach (the photo is Mudfang)

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                                Hollyfeather and Mudfang were shoving aside leaves and bugs heading for the Twoleg Place. There was an awkward silence. Hollyfeather and Mudfang haven't talked since when Hollyfeather was talking to a tom cat name Darkscar at the concert.
                              Finally they mad it to the Twoleg Place. Hollyfeather headed directly to the place she heard the meow come from, an abandoned Twoleg Den. Hollyfeather squeezed in through a hole in the glass. Mudfang decided to stay outside. "Hello!?" Hollyfeather called. Hollyfeather was rummaging through the Twoleg things.
                               "Help me! Over hear!" The squeaky voice called again from a Twoleg bin.
Hollyfeather shoved the bin over and out came a super thin, small, little kit. She was smaller than a mouse and had an orange pelt with two stripes on her tail, one red and next to it was a thin gray stripe. "Who are you? Are you my mother?" The little kit mewed. The tiny thing was wiggling and trying to get a better look at Hollyfeather. Hollyfeather looked at the kit in surprise.
                                "No I am Hollyfeather. I am a warrior from a Clan farther away," Hollyfeather kindly said to the kit, "Is it okay if I call you Firekit?" Hollyfeather asked.
                                               "Yasss! Can I come home with you!?!?!" The kit squealed.
                                                "Ok, let's go!" The three cat went to camp.

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