Chapter 7 The Dragon*

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3rd Person's POV
An angry pyro shouted at (Y/N). While she just stood there, taking all in. The others were watching but didn't bother trying to stop it, Erza wasn't arround because of a meeting with the village's mayor and the twin dragon slayers were at their room trying to rest. "If you didn't block it, this would've been done by now! But nooooo, you have to be the hero here, huh?!" He shouted, "Shut up....." She muttered. Her dull (E/C) eyes were locked with the wooded floor. The exceeds were with Erza to explore the outskirts of the village. The slayer just ranted and ranted about the loose they encountered with the dragon.

*Flashback before this happened.*
"Fire Dragon's roar!" He countered. The Dragon just let them attack him. The dragon had green scales and was as large as Igneel. He had sad light blue eyes. The others attacked him while he didn't even tried to defend for himself. He didn't fight back or struggled, he was just like you..... Just wanting to leave this place. Letting people walk all over you. You frowned and walked upto him. The others burst all their powers and you blocked it. You were hurt badly but still continued your walk towards the dragon, the pitiful monster. Despite the other's yelling amd shouting, you still continued.

Once you reached him, you smiled warmly.... The thing you haven't done in a while was done for just a dragon, right? You gave him a reassuring smile, he seemed shock by your actions. Somehow, he bowed down to you, and smiled. You didn't know how you knew he bowed and smiled but you just kept you smile on your face. You touched him and for a while, yellow glows surrounded him and disappeared suddenly. You transfered him to his new habitat, but it consumed a lot of magic in you so you were brought to your knees.

*End of Flashback*
You were confused on why Natsu wasn't happy about that. You thought that he'll be happy if he saw a dragon, that didn't have any intentions on killing humans, and saved it withouht violence or killing. But you were wrong. "That monster is gonna come back and kill all of the people in this village or any of the towns! It might even bring it's friends! Aren't you thinking?!" You didn't know why, but you snapped. You were mad, you were mad that he called the dragon 'it', you were mad because he was thinking less of the dragon. And you were mad because he..... He's breaking the dragon's hope and heart. The dragon that you saw at the battle was just lonely and had been treated as an outcast for all of his life. You could see his feelings and what he had encountered. "I might ask the same thing to you! Are you even using that brain of yours?! Open your damn eyes, Natsu! The dragon isn't an 'it'! I thought you knew that! Considering you were the one who told us that people could change!" "But he isn't a person!" "It's just the same thing! They have feelings too! Just like Igneel and the other dragon parents.... They have a point in life where they become lonely, sad, or even aggressive, just like my father.... Listen to your mouth and open your eyes!" You shouted, tears were threatening to fall. The walls of your heart were breaking and you didn't want that to happen. "What is this fight all abo—" before Erza could finish, you dashed outside and ran farther away, you didn't know where, but you just ran. You wore your home-made cloak and hid your scent so no one could follow you.

You ran and ran, tears were already beind shed without any distraction. You stopped in a near by lake and sat at the cool grass. You burried your face in your hands and cried, muttering words here and there, sometimes even shouting.

*while at the inn with the others*
Natsu was sitting, cross legged at the floor while Erza was towering infront of him with an irk mark on her head. "I was out for just a few minutes, and you already made a scene in here... You're ruining the name of both of the guilds in here and not only that! You're bickering about such ninsense to a sensitive person! I thought you're gonna apologize to her! 'I'll apologize to her when I see her' you said, but it will only remain a word if you're doing the wrong thing!" She lectured, tapping her left foot with irritation and was waiting for hus explanation. but none came. "I'm sorry..." He muttered. "Look Natsu...." Erza started, calming down and bended down to the height of Natsu, "When promises are broken, Saying sorry means nothing. You have to do the act to show her you're sorry, and that you meant it." She stated. Erza hugged him and walked out of the room to give him some alone time.

Not soon enough, you went back to the inn. Everyone was at the living room, watching with the lacrima projector. You still wore your cloak and hid your face, your eyes were still dull and you were quiet. The others ran up to you, asking you loads of questions but you just, like the battle, continued to your shared room and shut the door, not uttering a single word. You rested your head at the pillow and slept, you weren't exactly that relaxed, knowing that nightmares of the past will haunt you in your sleep. Instead of the dreams that others are having, you, on the other hand, had horrors and nightmares, or the haunt of the past, or just memories you wanted to forget.

"I'll drown in an ocean of pain and emotion, if you son't save me right away..."

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