Chapter 5

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With Daichi

He ran into the room with an incredible amount of speed , he needed to see Suga , he needed to make sure he was alright. He searched the room with the setter's phone's flash light that was almost out of power. He sighed and checked every corner for something that indicated him that the other was here. Nothing.

He left the room , wanting to scream for help , wanting nothing more than to wake up from this nightmare and hold all his teammates in a warm hug. But , this wasn't a dream , it was reality. And maybe some of his friends have already died and that scared him , that he couldn't save any of them if they did die.

He shook his head , now was not the time to think like this , he needed to find Suga fast and help him. He walked into another room and moved the light around , taking very slow steps , cautions of where his feet were placed and what could be around him at any given time. Again nothing was in there.

He left the room , now he was starting to panic , where the hell was the setter ? Where was he hiding ? He was about to enter the next room , but he heard pants coming from the stairs ; turning his gaze he saw Asahi , chest painted red and tear stained cheeks. He ran up to the other only holding his head low and wiping his tears.

" I'm sorry for abandoning you , but , I have some unfortunate news" Asahi whispered , Daichi put his hand on the taller's shoulder , it was a gesture that calmed Asahi and told him to continue. " Noya and Tanaka are dead. Noya got stabbed in the chest and Tanaka from what I could tell was hung from the ceiling" Tears slipped out of the gentle giant as he lowered his head again , Daichi only starred.

His friends did die. He couldn't help his friends , they suffered and he wasn't there to stop whatever had done that to them. He couldn't protect his teammates and underclassmen. Had anyone else died? Were he and Asahi the only survivors ? His breathes became faster as his heart beat was going crazy. He wanted to vomit , he wanted to cry , he wanted to punch a wall. He wanted to do so many things yet his body stayed immobile.

" D-did you find Suga?" Those words brought Daichi back to reality. He raised his head and shook his head at Asahi who only frowned more , thinking the worst for his friend. He then gasped. " Daichi we have to hurry! Whatever killed the others is after Suga!" " How do you know that?" " Noya before he died whispered Suga's name and on the door ... there was the number two written out in Noya's blood"

Daichi quickly moved to the door infront of him and wanted it to open , but , to there luck it was closed. Asahi joined the other in breaking down the door , with one powerful and fast kick from either , the managed to loosen up the door. With both their body waits they pushed the door back and then with one strong punch they managed to create a hole through the door. The wing spiker put the phone through the door and waved it around , he didn't see anything and was about to leave but he then noticed a certain trail of blood coming from behind of a furniture.

He passed the phone to Asahi who only nodded his head at understanding that the other found something. Putting his hand inside the hole and maneuvering it to reach the handle on the inside , turning and opening the door. He was determined to help Suga , he was determined to get him out safe and alive.

Both the boys entered the room , calling silently for Suga , and they got a response. From behind the couch they heard a painful moan and whine and they nearly jumped running to the sounds. The condition that his friend was in , was terrible. A stab wound to the hip was bleeding horribly , his head was sweating and from what they could tell he had multiple scratches and bruises along his arms and legs.

Daichi knelt down and held Suga who only moaned louder and closed his eyes. Asahi ripped a piece of his Poseidon outfit , which he thanked whoever made it for it had a lot of lose materiel that could be easily ripped , and rapped it around the other's waist so he could stop some of the bleeding.

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