Views: Ain't no Sunshine

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Month One

Maureen looked at Harry across the table and cataloged his various ills. Usually the boy looked like a candle, all luminescent and warm, but today he looked haggard. The circles under his eyes were the color of a fresh bruise, his hair was greasy and limp, lips chapped and picked over, shoulders hunched and his clothes wrinkled.

"Is, is she okay?" He choked out.
This was the first thing he had said since letting her in the house. She had pulled him into her arms and felt his body wrack with sobs. Alysia had been the same for days after she made it home two weeks ago. They were both miserable, she had no idea why Alysia was doing this. She wouldn't talk about it, and she refused to talk to or see Harry. When Maureen had had to close the door on his broken face the other day she knew she had to check in on him.
"No, she's not," Maureen hoped this would comfort him, but his fallen face denied her wish.
"Has she...told you..has she told you why?"
"No, she told me before she did it and I tried to talk her out of it, but she left and turned off her phone, but she couldn't tell me why," she took the hand laying on the table. "She's hurting too, I can only guess it has something to do Mom and Dad, like leave before you do, and she's not able to cope. I don't know Harry, she won't talk to me."

"Does she, does she believe that I cheated?" Harry whispered.

"I don't think so. Harry," she stopped for a bit, "Did you?"

At this Harry's head shot up, "No," he swore, "I'd neveh. I can't even think about someone else like that. I can't see anyone but her. Never wanted anybody like this," he trailed off sniffling and hung his head.

Maureen bit her lip and gripped his hand again, "Maybe she'll come to her senses, Harry. I hope so, for both of your sakes."

But she didn't. After the initial breakdown where Maureen watched her sister cry herself to sleep for weeks, she seemed to just seemed to push it off. Maureen tried to talk to her about it, but Alysia threw herself into her business and worked every spare minute.

Maureen decided to check in on Harry as often as she could. His response seemed to be the opposite, as Alysia ignored her pain, Harry seemed to wallow in it. Every time she saw him he was gaunter and sadder, until she decided that she was going to have to bring in an intervention.

Month Two

Maureen stood outside of the Full Stop Management and contemplated what she was about to do. This was meddling on a level she would never have thought herself capable of. She squared her shoulders and opened the door.

"Hello, I'm looking for Jeff Azoff," she told the receptionist.

"Do you have an appointment?" her name tag said Kelly.

"No, I don't, but I'm here to talk about Harry Styles," Maureen tried to explain and quickly backpedaled when she saw the alarmed look on Kelly's face.

"No, no, I'm not a fan, well I am, but more of him than his music. I'm his ex-girlfriend's sister, and I'm worried about him." she tried to explain.

At that moment, Jeff walked into the office with a worried expression on his head. When he looked up, he gave her a quizzical brow.

"Hi, Are you Jeff?" Maureen asked extending her hand.

"I am." He said warily.

"I'm Maureen, Alysia's sister. I'm here because I'm worried about our idiots," she explained.

Jeff exhaled heavily, "Please, Come in," he opened the door and lead her down a hallway to his office. "So, How's Alysia, as miserable as Harry?"

"Hard to say really, she won't talk to me. But, I hear her crying in her sleep. How's Harry? I haven't seen him in a couple weeks."

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