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"And that's the last of it," Maureen sighed, dropping the box onto the couch in Harry's front room.

"Really, that's the last box?" Alysia looked up from her kitchen unpacking.

"You don't have a lot, Lysia. Never lived on your own besides the dorm. Looks like you never will," she winked at her baby sister.

"Stop naming the puppy. I don't want to put expectations on this. Taking it one day at a time seems to be working just fine," Alysia scolded.

"You guys have been back together for a year, and you're moving in, I think you have 'named the puppy'," she finger quoted, "I think you can probably start picking out names for the babies."

Alysia side-eyed Maureen and shrugged. Their relationship had been hard won. Once they reunited very publicly, the fans had been brutal and the paparazzi ravenous. It had put strain on both of them, but Alysia had grown a lot and Harry was no longer afraid to ask the hard questions. They had both decided to live and love in the moment though and let the future unfold as it would. Harry did not wake up clutching at her anymore and she hadn't stayed up straining her eyes by the blue light of her phone in many months.

"Is he excited about you moving in?" Maureen opened the box in front of her, and squeaked when she found lingerie, "Jesus, how many lacy little things does one person need? It just comes right off."

Alysia chuckled, "Not all the time, some of it is specifically designed to stay on. You should see what I plan to wear tonight."

"Oh.... Send me a snap!" Maureen enthused. "So, is he excited, bouncing on his toes and falling over his own feet?"

"Um....He doesn't know, " she looked at Maureen and shrugged. "I thought it would be a great surprise annd made all the plans, now I'm really nervous, honestly."

Maureen's big eyes gave way to a gentle smile, "You guys have at least talked about this, right?"

"Of course, he's mentioned it cheekily a million times, which means he really means it. He only does that when he wants something but isn't sure about it."

"Like anal?" Maureen joked and Alysia blushed.

"Any-way, I think he'll be pleased, I hope so," she put her mixer next to the sink.

"Alysia, Harry literally thinks the sun rises and sets on your ass," she wrapped her arm around her shoulder, "We're going to miss you though."

"Are you guys going to be ok? You sure about the new nanny," she worried, pushing her hair back over her shoulders, it had gotten ridiculously long, but Harry loved to hold her by it when he took her from behind, so it remained, for now.

"She's great actually, total sweetheart, Connor has the biggest crush already, and Rhiannon really only needs rides to her after school activities. They're ready, Alysia, we are ready," Maureen assured.

In a small voice Alysia asked, "do you think we are ready? Me and Harry, I mean."

Maureen smoothed Alysia's hair behind her ear, "do you love him?"
"Without question."
"Is he worth it?" Maureen continued.
"Are you worthy?" Maureen knew the answer, but wanted to be sure Alysia did.
"Then you are as ready as you can be. Growth is something you experience, not prepare for."
Alysia nodded and hugged Maureen, "Thank you for meddling?"
Maureen's face was a picture, "You knew?"
Alysia cracked up, "Well I do now! Come on! Let me show you my 'outfit' for tonight."
"Oooohhh," Maureen cooed and followed Alysia to the bedroom.

"Alysia," Harry excitedly opened his front door and rushed passed the threshold, but with the exception of a stack of boxes and a few new pictures, the house was the same as he had left it.

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