memories ➴ 006

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but i do not belong, without you.

"How about we do something today," Harry asked Zayn in the change room after gym class.

"Do what?" Zayn asked, throwing his sweatshirt on over his t-shirt.

"I don't know, maybe go for milkshakes.." Harry said. "I know this really nice place, as weird as it sounds it's artsy and I recently got a polaroid I want to try out.." He trailed off. "And most importantly I want to spend time with you," He blushed at his last words and pushed his curly hair out of his face.

Niall walked by behind the two and shot them an unreadable look.

"Sorry.." Zayn looked down at his feet and he shook his head.

"You two are kind of cute," Niall said before scurrying out of the change room.

Zayn blushed a little and so did Harry. "Anyways.."  He started breaking the ice.

"The diner is in walking distance of our houses, so we can walk.."

"Ah," Zayn nodded. "Sure we can do that,"

"I'll walk to your house, okay?" Harry spoke, confirming.

"Of course," Zayn smiled. "I'll see you later then, okay?"


Zayn made his way out of the change room to see Louis, waiting for him. "Harry again?"

Zayn rolled his eyes at the blue eyed boy. "Stop it Louis,"

Zayn's cheeks did flush red and Louis did notice. But he didn't say anything.

Later that day after school, when Zayn got home his mum was cooking dinner.

"Hi mum," He spoke putting his bag down on the stairs leading to his bedroom.

"Hey love," Trisha turned around to see Zayn now sitting on the breakfast bar. "How was school?"

"It was good," Zayn said calmly. "I was wondering if I could skip dinner today mum.. Um.. I'm actually going out with a friend tonight.."

"You are?" Trisha asked, with a soft smile.

"Harry again.." Zayn blushed.

"Z, can I talk to you?" Trisha asked Zayn, unsure of his reaction.

Zayn suddenly became nervous, and he wasn't ready to be asked any questions about Harry and their situation.

"U-Um.." Zayn bit his lip. "I guess,"

"I'm beginning to think that you have a-" Zayn cut Trisha off immediately.

"Mum I don't want to talk about this," Zayn said shooting up and running upstairs with his backpack.

"What happened Z?" Jade asked as she opened her bedroom door just a bit to see Zayn.

"Nothing, I'm fine.." He answered quickly before going into his bedroom and closing the door, trying his hardest not to slam it.

In his room, he flopped down on his bed and closed his eyes.

His mind was racing back and fourth between the fact that he was going to see Harry soon, and the fact that his mum might just know that Zayn was.. Gay?

"Zayn?" Trisha knocked on Zayn's door about half and hour later. He sat up slowly. "Can I come in?"

"Yes.." His voice was small and nervous.

Trisha came in gently and sat down beside Zayn on his bed. "You can go out with Harry tonight, that's alright."

Zayn's smiled just a little.

"I also would like you to know," Trisha's voice was genuine to Zayn. It was warming. Something familiar to Zayn. "That in whatever situation, for whatever reason, I'll always be here for you,"

Zayn smiled softly at his mum. "I love you mum,"

"I know Z," Trisha laughed. "I love you too,"

And with that Trisha left the room.

Zayn waiting all evening in his room until Harry was to come.

When the doorbell rang, he was already ready and he ran down the stairs as quickly as possible. He made sure he had his Polaroid with him as well.

"Hi," Zayn spoke trying not to sound breathless when he opened It.

"Hi," Harry smiled. "You ran?"

Zayn immediately flushed red. His face felt hot and he tried to cover it up by looking down. "No," He lied.

"Whatever you say," Harry smirked a bit which caused Zayn's heart to flip. "Anyways, are you ready?"

"Yeah, yeah." Zayn smiled. "I brought mind too," He spoke lifting his Polaroid as he left the house closing the door behind him.

"You've got one too!" Harry sounded so amused. "That's so cool,"

"I know.. I guess we're similar in unexplainable ways," Zayn blushed as he said this.

The walk there Harry asked Zayn questions and Zayn answered. Zayn just enjoyed listening to his voice. It was beautiful.

When the two had arrived, Zayn grinned. "It is pretty artsy, you were right."

Harry nodded and opened the door for Zayn who thanked him and walked in.

Later that night, Harry bought a strawberry milkshake and Zayn bought a vanilla milkshake.

author's note;

Hello it's Alexis and I am back finally after a couple of weeks..

How are you all? I ask this in every author's note chapter but I wanna know, how are you all?

- Alexis <3

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