chapter thirty five ➴ zayn

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through the clouds;

I swiped my card at the cash register, and put in my pin number. 

After paying, I thanked the cashier and brought my groceries outside to my car.

As I was loading them into the trunk, a very familiar car pulled into the parking space next to mine. I ignored, and continued unloading the groceries into my trunk.

"Hey Zayn," He spoke, coming out of the car.

I frowned as I turned around. "Hello,"

"Hi," Liam smiled and locked his car. 

I held back my emotions and forced a smile. 

"How are you?" He asked me, trying obviously very hard to start a conversation with me.

"Fine, you?" I was civil. I didn't have to befriend him ever.

"I'm great," Liam smiled. 

Liam leaned back onto his heels, and then went back to being flat footed. 

It was quiet. 

"Anyways, I just came to pick up a couple of groceries for.. I guess my partner.. I'll be off," Liam spoke, waving. "It was nice seeing you,"

I nodded wearily at him.

It wasn't nice seeing him, so why would I lie?

As soon as I had loaded the rest of my groceries I stepped into the car in a hurry and called Louis, connecting him to my car.

"Hello?" Louis said after a couple of rings.

"Louis guess the fuck what," I spoke as soon as he answered.

"What?" He immediately piped up. "I'm ready,"

"I just saw Liam,"

"No fucking way," Louis gasped. "Holy shit what happened?"

"He greeted me first," I started. "He said hi and I said hi.."

The conversation trailed on.

"Then, he told me he was getting groceries for his partner," I was barely able to say that. 

"For his partner?" Louis hesitated. "Shit,"

"What do you mean shit?" I frowned. 

"Nothing," Louis chuckled. "Honestly nothing,"

"It's Niall isn't it? It's still Niall?" I spoke. It didn't matter. I had Harry.

"Yeah," Louis seemed hesitant. "It's Niall,"

"Alright," I sighed. "That's okay. As long as Liam is happy," 

"Since when did you care about Liam's happiness?" Louis scoffed. "He was a dick to you,"

"Who cares," I shook my head. "It's over now. And I'm so in love with Harry. Harry makes me such a better person. Harry makes me so much better,"

"Enough," Louis faked a gag. "Enough already,"

"I think I want to marry him," I spoke without thought.

Louis was quiet for a moment. "Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on," He said. "Marry who?"

"Harry, you idiot," My cheeks flushed red. I was glad Louis couldn't see.

"You sure?" Louis asked. "I mean, you could just be saying this because.. I don't know, this is me being an honest friend Z.. But you did just see Liam couldn't that have triggered something?"

It's been weeks since Elias' first birthday party, and ever since Mum really sprung the question on me, I haven't been able to get it off my mind.

"Nope," I shook my head. "I've been thinking about it for a couple of weeks now,"

"Holy fuck Zayn!!" Louis clapped. Or, at least I heard a clap. "I'm so fucking happy for you!"

I blushed again, as I pulled into my driveway. "Thanks bro,"

"Who's going to be the best man? It's gotta be me," Louis said. "It has to be, I mean who else are you choosing? Who else is Harry choosing? I'm going to be everyone's best man holy shit!"

"Louis, calm down.." I sighed. "Here, how about you come over? I just got home so I gotta empty my groceries.. You can help,"

"I'm not helping, I'm coming to talk about this damn wedding Z,"

"I haven't even proposed yet!" I rolled my eyes.

"Well then we'll talk about rings," 

Louis came over in record time once I had finished putting away my groceries. 

"Should I indirectly ask him what he likes?"

I shook my head. "You know how people discuss an engagement?"

"Yeah, you should with Harry,"

"No, I want it to be a surprise. Like yeah, I'll ask his parents but.. I know him.. It'll be perfect," 

"Does he want a band?" Louis asked. "I think he wouldn't.."

"I mean, remember the promise ring you got him at the end of high school?" 

"Yes," I blushed. I got him a stackable ring, and I told him we'd find each other again. And I'd be able to put his engagement ring, and then his wedding ring on top. "I worked so fucking hard for that ring. Summer jobs paid the hell off,"

Louis chuckled. "He wore it all University,"

My cheeks went red once again. "Really?"

"Hell yeah," Louis nodded. "He never took it off,"

"Shit," I bit my lip. "He was on my mind all the damn time,"

"And now he's on your mind even more! You two are getting married!" Louis yelled. "Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married.."

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket, and read the text.

From Harry: Are you doing anything tonight? 

"Speak of the devil," I smiled, showing my phone to Louis. 

"What are you doing tonight? He should've added a smirk emoji," Louis said. 

To Harry: Nope :)

"Smiley face?" Louis laughed after I showed him the text.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Anyways," I put my phone back down on the counter. "I want you to help me.. With this.. I guess marriage process? I've got to tell Mum too.. Will you be there?"

"Of course Z,"

author's note;



GooOOoooOing tOOOOoooOo theeeeEEEEeeee chaPEL ANd we'RE gONNA GET MARRIEDD


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