добро утро

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Romania's P.o.v.

I shot awake saying "Why, why why?" I shut up when I felt someone hug me.

"You're awake!!!" A voice I knew said. "I can't believe it. You're awake!" The person who I recognizing as Bulgaria said hugging me tight. Now I know how he feels when I give him a hug.

"Bulgaria.........air..." I said gasping for air.

"Sorry. It's just I haven't been able to hear your voice in 5 months," he told me. He seemed sad so I gave him a hug. 'Wait what did he say' I thought.

"5 months?" I asked confused He looked at me as if he thought I knew what he ment.

Then he said, "You've been in a coma for 5 months because Hungary hit you as hard as she could with her frying pan."

Just then a nurse came in and I realized I was in the hospital. The nurse started talking "I see you're up Vlad. Well its good to see that you fine after you've been a coma for so long."

"Thanks. I guess," I said as she walked out of the room. I turned to Bulgaria, "You told her my name was Vlad."

"Yes. He is your hero so I told her that was your name," he said matter of factly."And isn't it your human name?"

"Okay and its Vladimir but its close. So tell me what you've been doing since Hungary put me in a coma, but first....." I trailed off and then bit his neck to drink some of his blood. He moved his head a little so I could have better access to his neck. When I finished he looked at me with his gorgeous eyes.

"Do you like the taste of my blood?" He asked. I nodded then he started telling me what he did for the past 5 months

A/n добро утро means good morning in Bulgarian

RoBul.  Blood Loss (Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now