Dream girl

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Bulgaria's P.O.V.

I know I'm dreaming. Cause the last thing I remembered was being knocked out by my sister. Then I saw a girl.

"Hey Bulgaria!" She said. Then I realized it was Hope. She was dressed on her normal outfit. I'm just happy I get to see her.

"HOPE!" I yelled. I ran up to her and gave her a hug I know this is a dream but I do miss Hope.

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other. I can't believe that I finally got into your dream," she said.

"Well I am one of you old friends so I know all your tricks," I said and I let her go.

"Well that's no fun. But I can wake you up if you want?" She more asked then said. I nodded. So she used her magic and made me wake up.

When I woke up I didn't open up my eyes. But I could hear that I wasn't at Romania's house. I heard his voice followed by what I guess was a doctor. Then I opened my eyes and what I saw scared me.

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