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Romania's POV

"Moldova!" I said

"What?" He asked his head popping up from behind the couch.

"Where did you go to after you saw ne and Bulgaria kiss?" I asked.

"I told Sofia," he replied

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!" Bulgaria yelled. "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!!!"

"Why?" My little brother asked.

"BULGARIA!!!" I heard Julie yell from the door. "You are a mean big brother." She said in her normal voice.

"I told you I would never accept your crush!" He said.

"What crush?" Both me and Moldova asked at the same time.

"She has had a crush on you for a long time Romania," he told me. Then Sofia ran up to him and punched him knocking him out.

"Sofia why did you do that bitch?" I asked

"Because I'm mad!" She replied.

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