The kiss

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Romania's P.o.v.

I was resting in my own bed since I just got out if the hospital today when I heard a knock on the door followed by it opening. I sighed. Getting off my bed and opening my bed room door to find 2 people in front of me.

"Hi Onii-chan! How are you feeling?" My little brother Moldova asked me with a hug.

"Hi Moldova. I'm fine and hi Bulgaria,"

He smiled at me then he said "Moldova can you go get us something to drink." Moldova smiled and walked to my kitchen.

"Why did you send him to go ge-" I was silenced by Bulgaria's lips touching mine. Is he kissing me? He is! I was so shocked I didn't kiss him back. I was about to but he pulled away before I could.

"I guess you don't like me like that do you?" He asked me disappointed.


"Then why didn't you kiss me back?"

"I was about to when you pulled away"

"Oh my gosh" Moldova said then he started to jump and say "I knew this would happen one day!!!!" With that he hugged us and took off out of my house.

"What was that?" Bulgaria asked me

"I don't know," then I pulled him into a hug and he kissed me again. This time I kissed him back.

A/n Onii-Chan means big brother

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