Ce naiba

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Romania's P.O.V

I was talking to a doctor when i saw Bulgaria move a little bit.I walked into the hospital room. Then Bulgaria opened his eyes and all i could do was fall to the ground saying "Oh no, no, no, no, NO!"

Bulgaria's P.O.V

I saw Romania's face but with blue eyes not red.  "Romania?" I asked him.

"Yes and no. I'm Dragomir Popescu. Romania's 2p! and you're in Vasile's body. Vasile is you're 2p!."

"So I'm in the 2p! world?" I asked Dragomir.

"Da and now i need to find out the spell to get you back home." he replied. 

A/n Da is yes in Romanian and Ce naiba is what the hell in Romanian

2p! Romania (I don't own the pic)

2p! Bulgaria (I don't own the pic)

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2p! Bulgaria (I don't own the pic)

2p! Bulgaria (I don't own the pic)

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