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Their lips moved in sync, and Lucy couldn't help but smile slightly into the kiss, and neither could Luke. Luke bit her lower lip, desperate to make the kiss deeper. Lucy's gasp allowed his tongue to slip into her mouth. Once they pulled away, both their smiles took over their whole faces.

Luke laughed at her adorable blush, and she quickly hid her face in his chest. It was her first kiss, and she knew it wasn't Luke's, so she was afraid she did horrible, although it had been very enjoyable for her.

Luke's long fingers grabbed her chin and pulled her lips back to his.

"Can that be a regular thing?" Luke questioned cockily. Lucy's blush turned shades deeper and she buried her head in his shoulder, shaking it slightly, still smiling brightly.

"Oh cmon, please?" He begged in a childish voice. She pulled away and pecked his lips quickly.

"Stoooppppp!" She giggled. Luke laughed at how happy the kiss had made her, and how cheery and childish and bubbly she was.

"Fine, fine... just one more?" He smiled. She connected their lips again, for longer this time. Luke flipped her over in the bed, so he was hovering over her.

She giggled as his lips moved to her neck and he smiled at the sound. Within seconds he found her sweet spot, causing her to let out a moan.

He comes back up to her lips pulling away.

"We should do something fun." Luke smiled. "Just us."

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Like?"

"Well, it'd have to be a surprise, duh." Luke rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"Hmm, I don't know if I trust you." She joked. He'd saved her more than once, she completely trusted him with her entire life and anyone else's.

"Oh cmon, please Lucy?" Luke pouted. She flicked his lip, as he'd once done to her, giggling. As much as she loved hearing babygirl roll off her lips, she couldn't help but love her name off them, almost as much.

"Oh fine." She agreed with an over dramatic sigh, before smiling again.

Luke got off her and pulled her up. He ran to his dresser and pulled out a t shirt and shorts before running into Lucy's room as she walked behind him, watching him, amused.

He pulled out the first sundress he could find and threw it at her. It was a white sundress that reached a little past mid thigh and had a strip around the waist that was see through lace, and the back was all lace.

After they'd both changed, they got in Luke's jeep and started driving. After ten minutes of singing along to the radio, Lucy finally asked the question hat had been on her mind the whole time.

"So, where are we going exactly?"

"I told you it's a surprise." Luke chuckled. As he glanced over at her she pouted her lip and batted her eye lashes. He laughed and flicked her lip.

They continued until they come to a fairly empty beach, with only a few people on it here and there.

Lucy smiled at Luke as he got out and ran around to her side, helping her out. Lucy realized as she practically fell on Luke coming out of the car, that his shorts were swim trunks, and she didn't have a bathing suit.

She looked up at Luke with a raised eyebrow. "Oh what now?" He questioned jokingly.

"You forgot, I don't own a bathing suit, and if I did, you didn't bring it." In response, Luke pointed to the shop a couple hundred feet behind her.

"I'll buy you one. Or two or three or however many you want." Luke smiled.

"You can't do that! Do you even have a job?!" Lucy refused.

"Sure I can, and, currently, no. I've been a bartender and security guard and worked in stores and done inventory and a bunch of other stuff but I haven't seen much of anywhere hiring. But my last job payed really well, so I still have quite a bit of money leftover."

"Ooh! The bar is hiring! I mean, I know you don't really get along with Ashton so obviously you don't have to but it would be so cool if all my men worked in the same place and I could just come visit you all in work everyday." Lucy joked.

"Yeah, maybe." Luke nodded. He actually, when he thought about it, liked how Ashton had stood up for the girl, and admired his ability to so easily apologize. He liked that Calum and Michael were protective of Lucy. They seemed like good friends to have, and he knew, even if it wasn't his place, he would feel reassured that she was safe with them, even when he wasn't there- not that he wanted to be away from the girls side for even a moment- as long as none of them developed some crush on her or tried anything.

"Now let's go get a swim suit for you because it's hot and I want to swim." Luke pulled Lucy towards the little shop, and once they got there, straight into the woman's section. He gulped as he imagined her in all the strappy bikinis.

"Umm... pick whatever you like." He mumbled. Lucy laughed a bit at Luke's awkwardness, before picking a few swim suits in her size, all bikinis, but none too revealing.

The first she tried on was a black one with a bit of push-up.

The first she tried on was a black one with a bit of push-up

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Then a strappy maroon one.

She showed them to Luke, and he insisted she get both of them (Exactly the reason she hadn't showed him the other four she tried on, just her favorites)

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She showed them to Luke, and he insisted she get both of them (Exactly the reason she hadn't showed him the other four she tried on, just her favorites)

"Which one should I wear though?" Luke stared at the bikinis she held in her hands. He could help but think she looked so sexy in all of them. After stuttering for a minute, Lucy decided he wasn't any help, and went with the maroon one. Luke knew he'd be happy no matter what, no matter how many boys he had to fight off her (although he hated the idea of other boys looking at her at all).

Once Luke had bought the swimsuits, and lucy had changed into the maroon bikini, Luke swept her off her feet and through her over his shoulder, carrying her to the water.

They splashed around in the water, kissed a lot, and swam for two house, taking breaks to rest on the beach when they felt like it.

After playing at the beach for a few hours, they got fish and chips and icecream before going home.

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