Start Packing ~ Chapter 1

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Louis' POV ~

We're running. We're running because our fans spotted us at Toys~ R~ Us shopping for Lux, (and for ourselves) and they started chasing us and screaming at the top of their lungs, so we (HO)ran.

We run into a store and grabs some clothes off the racks. We run into the dressing rooms and change. Liam texts Paul to come pick us up. When we open the door, we all try really hard not to laugh. We walk over to the counter so we could pay for the clothes cause there is no way that we are getting out of here wthout being mobbed by fans and paparazzi. We pay for our clothes and start to leave.

But before we get the chance to a lady with a camera, whom I'm assuming is a pap, stops me. "Excuse me Ladies, have you One Direction anywhere in this store?" She asks me. "Yes, I have. That is North, South, East and West. No if you will excuse us we have to go home and decorate our christmas trees and bake cookies for Santa." I said. She looks at me like I'm crazy. "Erm, It's only summer, love." (A/N: (;Summer Love<3) she told me. "I don't need any sass from you! Don't make me take off my earings!" i yellled at her. She looked at me like I was crazy again and said "But you're not even wearing earings?" She was making me furious! We stomped away swaying our hips like women as I've seen them do, and left the store.

Paul was waiting for us with the van outside. We hopped in and started towards the building where management is.

I saw some girls that looked about 14 or 15, with some One Direction shirts on, and told Paul to slow down a little bit. I rolled down the window and yelled "OMG! IT'S ONE DIRECTION! OH MY GOD! LOUIS IS A SEXY GOD! AHH!" they all started screaming and one even falls down but stands right back up. They start chasing us, while screaming might I add. I roll up my window and told Paul to speed up. We make it to the management building. We run inside and head for the elevators and right as they are about to shut the girls enter the building. Inside the elevator One Thing starts playing and we all smirk at each other. The elevator stops on the 12th floor and we exit and go into the room where we always do.

People from management are sitting in chairs so we sit down too. Paul enters the room and Uncle Simon tells him to sit down too.

Everyone is sitting now, so Uncle Si starts talking. "Boys, I've asked Paul to bring you here so I can talk to you about something. The rest of management and I have been talking about this for a while now," He says. "Awww! Uncle Si! Are you giving us away? I thought you loved us?! How could you? Kenvin will be so mad!" I scream at him. Everyone looks at me and he just shakes his head and tries not to laugh along with everyone else.

"Anyways, We know that the media has been starting to follow you everywhere lately, we think that they need to give you guys some space. Now before you start thinking crazy things like that we're going to 'give you away' or something," he coughs and looks in my direction. I just grin at him and he chuckles. " We are going to be sending you to live in a small town in Michigan in the United States for about 6 months. You will be staying with my neices. Emma and Madison. Emma is only about 4 months old and Madison is 16.You will be leaving at 2 A.M. Go pack boys." He finishes.

We all start groaning. "But Uncle Si! We just got back from Where We Are tour like yesterday and you're making us leave again? That's not fair! Jimmy protested! Kevin will disapprove!" I argue. "I don't care Louis. You're going and that's final. The media is basically stalking you boys. We're only sending you away until they calm down and leave you alone. It's not punishemnt. And remember that even though it's a small town, you need to be careful. So try to careful, and I know you're all older than the her, but when Madison tells you to do something that is going to help you, listen to her because she knows her way around her town. I also expect help her out with stuff. She lives alone, besides Emma of course. She needs your help. That's another reason I'm sending you. I can't go because I have to be here in London. Please be careful boys and try not to get into trouble. I'll see you soon. Enjoy your vacation boys." Uncle Simone tells us and then leaves. So we leave too. Guess we're going on vacation.

We all head to our flats and start packing. Once I'm done packing, I go see if Harry needs help. He has three suitcases and a carry on by the door and is asleep on his bed. I turn off his light and close the door. I go into the kitchen and get a juice box from out of the fridge. I'm in the mood for some juice. I go into my room. I check my twitter and finish drinking the juice. I set my alarm for 12 P.M. since we have to be at the airport at 12:55. It's 8:58 right now. Better get some sleep. I lay down and start thinking about what it will be like living with these girls Madison and Emma. Why do they live alone? Is Madison a teenage mother? Where are Madison's parents? What's going to happen when we're there? I ask myself these questions that I want ansers to as I feel myself drifting into sleep.

Harry's POV [;* ]


My hand hit the alarm. Stupid alarm. Sometimes, I love you, but most of the time, I hate you. Sorrry. I got out of bed and walked over to my wardrobe and looked at the clothes I had. 'What's a good outfit to wear on a plane?' I asked myself. I chose a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, underneath my Jack Willis sweatshirt and a black beanie. Seems comforatable enough. I go to my bathroom and take a 5 minute shower. I'm saving the earth. I get out of the shower and dry off. I get dressed and run a hand through my hair and drying it then put on my beanie. I go into my room and put on my socks and shoes. I'm ready for our 15 hour flight. We have to stop at other airports to make sure that no paparazzi are following us.

I go into Lou's room and find him laying on his bed scrolling on twitter. I know him that well. He has certain looks on his face for different things. He has a straight face, then smiles, then pouts, and then repeats this again. I go over and sit on him. (A/N: LARRY STYLINSON<3) He thumps me with his two fingers and says "HARREH! Get off! You're such a fatty! Just kidding! Love you! Please don't smack me ! You're not fat! You're a sexy beast! Please forgive me?" He pouts. "Awww. Lou, I forgive you." I say to him. He stops pouting and then we both laugh and i get off of him. "Ready for our 15 hour flight?" I ask him. He nods and we grab our suitcases and carry-ons and go into the kitchen and grab some granola bars. Then we make sure everything is off and lock up. We get into the car and text the boys as well as Paul. They come out of the building and get in. We head to the airport and when we get there we have to go through security and everything.

We had to wait about 45 minutes to get on the plane. We all had first class seats. During the ride we all caught up on the sleep that we really need.

I woke up to someone shaking me. It was Liam. "Harry, Wake up. We're in Atlanta. Come on." he said to me. I got up and grabbed my carry-on and walked off the plane.

Next thing I know we're about to get off of the other plane. We exit the plane and get our luggage. We go to the place we're going to be staying with and when we got there we went up to the door and rang the doorbell.

When the door opened, I'm pretty sure everyone was shocked.


A/N: Hii(: I know that this chapter is really crappy. I'm sorry. Aren't all first chapters kinda rough though? I will udpate soon! I promise!

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