Questions and Tears ~ Chapter 6

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Lou got the chips and handed Madison the bag. She opened and started eating them. Louis sat down on a bean bag chair. He turned to Niall and asked "Truth or Dare?" Niall thought for a second and then smirked at Lou,  "Dare." He said confidently.

Lou smirked back at him and rubbed his chin. "I dare you to go without eating anything unhealthy for one full day. Twenty-four hours." Louis said finally. Niall frowned then nodded. He looked at me and then looked at Harry.

"Harry, Truth or dare?" He asked him.  Harry looked zoned out for a second and replied "Truth." He said with a grin.  

"Is it true that you put blue dye in Lou's shampoo after dinner?" Niall asked knowingly. Lou gasped and ran to his suitcase, probably to dump out his shampoo.

We all burst out laughing, and Harry shook his head. After a minute Louis came back over to us and glared at Harry. Harry just laughed and said it wasn't true. Louis looked at him curiously and then started laughing, which caused us to laugh more.

We all calmed down after a couple minutes. Harry looked around the room.

"Madison, truth or dare?" he asked and squeezed her side. She jumped and squealed, we all looked at each other amused.

"Truth." She said sounding a little tired. Harry pulled her into him more and she curled up into a ball, resting her head against his chest. He looked at the rest of us, silently asking what he should ask her. We shrugged and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Hey babe, do you just want to play 21 questions?" He asked her. She softly nodded.

I bet Harry is going to win. But I'm going to try to win. I kind of want to call off the bet. I don't want to do this to her. If people did this to my sister I would hate them and go to their house, drag them by their ankles, take them to an alley, chop them up into pieces and feed the pieces to homeless dogs. I'm not even joking. I would do it in a heartbeat. I'm gonna talk to the boys about  this.

"Ok erm.. when is your birthday?" he asks her. She yawns, and God, was it adorable.

"December 19th." she says to him.

"We'll remember that. What's your middle name?" Liam asks

"Hunter, It was named after a football player's son that had a disease and eventually died." She says like she has told it many times before.

"Cool, what's your biggest goals or dreams in life?" Niall asks her

"Well one of them is to make sure Emma has a successful in life, Number two is to fall in love an  to not get my heart broken in the end. I hate boys who are just play girls to get what they want or because of some stupid little game of theirs." She says and we all look at each other discreetly.

"And finally to at least graduate High school." She tells us

"Those are some nice goals Babe." Harry says being him flirty self.

"What grade are you in?" Liam asks her

"I'm actually a Junior at Redmond High School"

"Oh, sweet!" Niall exclaimed

"I'm kind of glad I only have about a year and a half left of school. But I'm also upset about it, I'm gonna miss my friends." She said sounding a little upset about it.

"We get it. We might not have personal experience but we get it." Harry said

Harry is right. I miss being a normal teenager, but I love being living my dream as a singer, entertaining people. Even though I miss my old life as a normal teenager, I wouldn't trade my life singing with these boys for anything. This is my life now. I'm gonna make the most of it. You never know what's going to happen in the future.

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