Stinky feet

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A reason for you foot odor is:


To prevent sweat:

Do not wear heavy enclosed shoes or boots, or plastic or rubber shoes or boots. (any shoes that do not allow your feet to breath.) [and I am not saying not to wear them at all. Just do not wear them all the time:-) ]

If you wear fuzzy/furry slippers or sandals that are alined with fur, your feet will get sweaty and stink.

Wearing synthetic socks;materials such as nylon and acrylic can also make your feet sweaty.



- Wear opened or light shoes that let your feet free and let it dry.

-And wear natural cotton socks.

Remedy one

Wash your feet with antibacterial soap 1-2 times a day, dry thoroughly, and put on clean socks.

Remedy two

Dip your feet in baking soda water.

Scoop a tablespoon of  baking soda to every quart of very warm water in a basin.

Mix this mixture until the baking soda dissolves.

Then, soak your feet in this for10-15 minutes.

After soaking your feet, dry with an absorbing towel.

Remedy three

Use rubbing alcohol.

was you feet then dry.

take some cotton balls put the rubbing alcohol on them, then dab on the bottom of your feet. I leave this in overnight and then the next morning I wash it out.

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