The eggs arrive.

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The day for the eggs to arrives.
While Celestial slept Jake did something stupid and used a spell to take all the pain of laying the eggs away from Celestial.

Celestial wakes up and feels her muscles contracting but there was no pain. Celestial hears Jake groan as he curls up, every contraction Jake's face contorted.

Jake looks at Celestial and says.
"It's time isn't it?"

Celestial looks at Jake and asks.
"Why don't you tell me? What did you do?"

Jake smiles and says.
"I used a dragon spell to take all the pain away."

Celestial shakes her head and says.
"Your going to have to tell me when to push."
Celestial was touched by his kind gesture but she didn't know how to feel about it.

Jake nods and his face contorted as the first contraction hits. Dana walks in and sees what is happening, running to the intercom she pushes the button and says.
"Birthing detail to Luna's nursery now!"
She turns to Jake and growls.
"That spell is forbidden and you know that. Stupid, stupid, stupid. What were you thinking?"

Jake smiles and says.
"I couldn't let Luna suffer."

Jake howls in pain and says.

The birthing detail arrives and starts helping with the birthing of the eggs. Celestial wasn't really happy about the others being there but she knew that Jake only had her best interest in mind.

Every contraction, every moment of pain hits Jake like a freight train. Three males had to be called in to restrain Jake.

After Celestial lays the third egg Jake looks at her and she sees pain and fear on his face and in his eyes.
"Last one, and it is the biggest one. Push baby!"

Jake lets a cry of pure pain as Celestial starts to push. Hearing the cries of pain the females can only watch and pray as Jake suffers. Celestial continues to push trying to lay the last egg as quickly as possible. After the last egg Jake falls limp his fur drenched in sweat his breathing heavy and deep. Celestial had been sweating also even though she didn't feel the pain she still had to work to push the eggs out.

Dana checks on Jake and smiles.
"He will be ok. That was incredibly brave but also incredibly stupid. You are a idiot you know that Jake?"

Celestial chuckles and smiles.
"Yes it was, but he is my idiot. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

After setting the eggs in their spots and making sure two were hotter than the other two Celestial turns to Dana.
"Can we possibly get a bath in here? Jake needs to be cleaned up and so do I."

Dana nods and smiles.
"Of course Luna. I was going to get a bath in here anyway."

Jake had started to shiver because of his wet fur and he was the first one in the bath. Because of what he went through Jake was bathed, dried and put close to the fire. Celestial climbs into the tub after the water was changed and gets cleaned up.

After she gets done Celestial lays with Jake and kisses him.
"Please bring us some food. Thank you for all the help, I can handle it from here."

Dana nods and smiles.
"Sure, right away Luna. And congratulations to the new parents."

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