Jake's Nightmare

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After a day of training and other boring duties as Alpha Jake climbs into bed with Celestial.

Celestial smiles and kisses Jake.
"Talk about a interesting day. I didn't know you were so busy everyday."

Jake smiles and cuddles up with Celestial.
"The work of Alpha is never done. Everyday is a set of new challenges and opportunities."

Celestial smiles as Jake cuddles with her.
"I enjoyed helping you. There is so much to do everyday, how do you handle it?"

Jake looks at Celestial and chuckles.
"It's called delegating. I split it up and assign different tasks to pack members."

Celestial nods in understanding. She was truly impressed with Jake. He showed true leadership and the pack was in her mind a perfect example of how a good leader could make everything seem like it was normal even with surprises.

After a few hours Jake starts to lightly growl. Celestial hadn't heard it yet. In his dream a male dragon is searching for Celestial.
Jake confronts the dragon as the dragon tells Jake.
"Where is Celestial? She must return with me, if I can't have her you can't have her."

Jake growlsin his sleep waking Celestial.
"No Celestial is my mate. I will fight you and if I must I will kill you."

Celestial lifts his arm and turns over so she is facing him.
"No one loved me or wanted me on my planet. I'm yours only Jake."

Jake tightened his arm around her. Not hurting Celestial just showing his Alpha possisveness.
Celestial kisses Jake.
"It's ok love, no one but you shall have me. Only through death shall we part."

Jake calms a little as Celestial speaks to him. Seconds later Jake growls viciously and pulls Celestial close.
"You will never take her from me."

In Jake's dream.
"I don't care what you want wolf. I'm coming to take her and you can't stop me. My name is James the name of your defeat."

Jake wakes up and takes a deep breath and sits up.
"I just had the worst nightmare."

Celestial kisses Jake and lays him back down.
"I know. Are you ok love?"

Jake smiles and kisses Celestial.
"Yes. It was just a dream nothing to worry about. Sorry about waking you up, let's go back to sleep."

Celestial nods and cuddles up with Jake.
"Ok love. Goodnight see you in the morning."

Celestial had always thought of nightmares as a warning. Pushing it to the back of her mind she drifts off to sleep.

Ok who is James? And why does he want to take Celestial from Jake? Could there be another survivor of Celestial's home planet?

Tell me what you think.
Could there be another survivor or is it just paranoia of Celestial leaving?

Thanks for reading and remember please comment and vote.


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