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Jake wakes the next morning still wrapped up in Celestial's coils. Jake smiles and kisses Celestial. Celestial growls and says.

Jake chuckles and kisses Celestial again he growls and says.

Celestial growls viciously and tightens her coils around Jake, with a growl she says.

Jake surprised by this gently kisses Celestial again.
"Baby your squeezing a little tight. Yes I'm yours."

Celestial opens her eyes and sees Jake a little blue in the face. Gasping she releases her hold and kisses Jake.
"Sorry about that love. I was having a good dream about you."

Jake takes a deep breath and smiles. He coughs a couple of times.
"I know. Let's get some more rest it is going to be a few hours before anyone else gets up."

Celestial nods and cuddles up with Jake as they rest for a few more hours.

Celestial and Jake wakes and deciding to go to breakfast Celestial tries to shift and can't she tries again but the same result. Confused about what is happening she looks at Jake.
"Love I can't shift."

Jake looks at Celestial and then smiles.
"This is great news. We are going to have children."

Celestial looks at Jake and asks obviously confused.
"How did you figure it out so quickly?"

Jake smiles and kisses Celestial.
"The female werewolf is the same way. She gets pregnant and can't shift until after the children are born."

Celestial smiles.
"I'm glad you are happy, but how did you figure it out so quickly?"

Jake smiles as he is getting up.
"Well I kinda put two and two together. We had sex and the rest is history."

Celestial smiles and kisses Jake.
"Let's go to breakfast."
Celestial was going to be sure she didn't skip anymore meals. She had children to provide for.

Jake smiles and nods.

Walking into the kitchen they are greeted by the pack.
"Good morning Alpha. Good morning Luna would you like some breakfast?"

Jake nods and says.
"Yes. It's a pack favorite. Pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs with fresh fruit."

Celestial smiles it sounded so good and the smells made her stomach growl.

Sitting at the table a plate is set in front of Celestial. Three pancakes, three strips of bacon, three sausage links and two eggs. Looking at the fork Celestial says to Jake.
"Could you help me to get the fork love?"

Jake smiles and picks up the fork and says with a smile.
"And miss this chance to feed my beautiful Luna?"

Jake cuts a bite of pancakes and feeds it to Celestial. She was a little embarrassed but didn't complain.

One of the warrior wolves says.
"You are so lucky Alpha, you get to feed your mate. I wish I could do that."

Another says.
"You can't Terry because Lisa is always taking care of you. And she loves every moment of it."

Lisa chuckles and says.
"Hey leave my big bad warrior alone. Although I have to admit I do enjoy it."

The warriors start laughing and poking fun at Terry.

Celestial smiles and shakes her head. This was the perfect place to raise children. She wondered if Jake had said anything about the children.

Jake smiles and kisses Celestial. He stands up and says.
"Can I have everyone's attention.
Luna and I are expecting."

A brief moment of silence then congratulations are given. The females hug Celestial as the males shake Jake's hand.

It appears that everyone is thrilled about Jake and Celestial expecting. Congraulations to the new parents!

I wonder if Celestial was the only one who escaped from her home planet before it exploded.

Could there be another? If so did they follow Celestial to earth?

Until next time remember only you control your destiny. Fight for what you want and you just may get it.

Please don't forget to comment and vote. Thank you and have a pleasant day.


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