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Rogue POV
"We are taking heavy losses, the alliance packs set up sentries. If we make it through, we will be at a massive disadvantage Lucifer.

"Fine, I was not expecting them to have sentries. We must try to get through, that farm is a huge source of money.

"That's true, honestly I'm worried about what is waiting for us.

Alliance Packs
"Jake, sentries are running out of ammunition. Camera view from sentries shows huge amount of devastation. If they survived, they lost most of their forces.

"I understand James, I was actually hoping this would never happen. My biggest concern is how many packs are going to be wiped out. It's already hard enough with the humans, and their hatred of us.

"I understand Jake, our home world had the same problem before. We lost two clans in the war, wiped out.

"This is all because of that one council member. He had always been jealous of what we had. At my father's funeral he swore to take everything. I just didn't think he would get the rogue packs involved."

"That's why he did it, you didn't expect him too. Fortunately for the alliance packs you were smart enough to plan for this."

Rogue POV
"We have lost 60% of our original forces. The sentries have run out of ammunition, automated system. The only problem is what is waiting for us?"

"I don't know but at 40% of our original force size, it isn't good. The alliance packs have technology was ahead of anything we have. Even with our smoke screens they still were deadly accurate."

"It might be wise to surrender. We have no idea if there's another line of sentries waiting for us, or for that matter what is waiting for us."

"I don't know, but I do agree with you. Surrender is a perfectly acceptable option at this point. All I know is whatever is waiting for us will most likely to wipe us out. From what I know about Jake, he doesn't want to completely wipe out any packs, it was our failure to not join when he offered, because of that failure mates, children and parents no longer have their mate, father, or son. We need to surrender, we can ill afford to continue this."

"As much as I want to continue, you are right Banchee. 60% in 15 minutes is a massive loss, not to mention what is waiting for us. Surrender is our only option. Issue the surrender orders, this must end now."

Howls ring out for the order of surrender, howls in response acknowledge the order.
James looks at Jake confused.
"Why are they howling?"

"It an order of surrender, they have issued a order of surrender. The howling is acknowledging the order."

"They have surrendered that easy? No disrespect Jake, but that was way too easy."

"James you must remember that they encountered a technology that is way head of anything they have. So of course they would surrender, we have energy rifles and they don't."

James nods Jake was right, the first line of defense was advanced technology. And with the alliance packs waiting with energy weapons it was a death sentence for the rogue packs. Jake and James watched as the remaining rogues cross into a field hands up, waving white flags. The lead of the rogue packs calls out.
"Alpha Prime! We surrender! Let us talk about peace between the packs! It is time to think about our species, our future!"

"Surrender will be accepted, when you show submission to Alpha Prime!"

"Submission, is being shown! Any punishment will be accepted without complaints!"

"James enough. It's bad enough a proud species like werewolf had to surrender. But to have that demand being made is like rubbing salt in the wound."

James nods and lowers his head in submission.
"Yes Alpha, please forgive my ignorance."

"James go meet them and bring the lead to me, any wounded take to medical."

James nods
"Yes Alpha."

James runs off to do as Alpha had said. It didn't take long to get most of the injured back on their 'paws' and helping to clean up the dead. As James surveys the kill zone it hits him. The number of dead was unacceptable, there had to be at least 2,000 dead, another 1,500 wounded, 700 would not survive the week. James stops and he falls to his knees and cries. Young werewolves no older than 15 years old lay among the dead.
The clean up took 12 hours, once it was done James returned to his room. Jake had been in negotiations they were going surprisingly well. After a few hours Jake and the others come from a room.

"As of today, you are now part of the alliance packs. Given your past don't be surprised if some don't trust you right away."

"I understand that Alpha Prime. I wouldn't expect anything else. Thank you for giving us this opportunity."

"Alpha, everything has been taken care of. The dead have been given a proper burial, the injured are receiving medical care and the defense line has been reset and they are on standby."

"Thank you James, given your experience as a leader and your bravery I've made a decision. Effective immediately, when I'm not here you are Alpha for the farm, work with the staff learn from them."

"Yes Alpha Prime, I will do as you have decided. I will not fail you."

"I know you won't James. The new addition to the alliance packs injured will stay here until ready to travel home. The others will be leaving soon."

"Yes Alpha Prime. I will be sure they receive proper necessities for their trip home. One request Alpha, if I may."

"What is it James?"

"Care for and honor Celestial. I was a fool not to, something I can never forgive myself for."

"James, what happened is in the past. Nothing can change that, always remember these words.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift, that is why it's called the present."

James nods and smiles.
"Wise words from a wise and truly wonderful man. Celestial is lucky to have you."

"No James, it is I who is lucky to have a mate like Celestial. Always remember, it is fate and the female that chooses the male not the other way."

"Yes Alpha. I shall remember your wise words."

James bows his head in respect before walking off to do as he has been instructed.

"You truly are a wise and fair leader. I hope the day never comes that we loose you. It would be a loss felt around the world by all werewolf kind."
With a bow Banchee walks away to prepare for the trip home.

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