Meeting The Others.

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A few weeks later Jake, Celestial and their children arrive at a huge farm. As they drive down a dirt road Celestial looks around in complete amazement, there was wheat fields that looked like they went for miles, orchards of every possible kind of fruit. Celestial sees something that was new to her.
"Jake, what is that over there?" Celestial asks pointing to grape vineyards.

Jake smiles and chuckles.
"Those are grapes, we make raisins and wine from them. They are actually really good just as is also."

Celestial nods and says as she looks at the vineyards.
"What is a grape?"

Jake stops, he gets out and walks into the vineyards, he finds a bunch of plump, juicy grapes. Taking them from the vine he walks back to the car and hands the grapes to Celestial.
"These are grapes, and they are delicious. Go ahead love enjoy."

Celestial nods and takes a grape, she puts it in her mouth and bites down. Celestial's eyes open wide with surprise as the grape bursts open releasing the sweet juice within. Celestial looks at Jake and smiles.
"These are delicious, they are sweet but not too sweet. It's like a burple from my planet. But they were green."

Jake smiles and stops again a few moments later, he comes back with green grapes.

Celestial's eyes open wide and she says with surprise in her voice.
"You have burples also?"

Jake chuckles as says.
"These are called green grapes, and those a purple grapes."

Celestial nods as they continue to the farm house, she eats a green grape and says.
"These taste just like a burple. I don't understand, we've never visited this planet before that I know of, but yet you have green and purple burples. There is much I don't know, and I am excited to learn."

Jake smiles and stops at the farm house, as he gets out a few of the farm workers walk up and nod in respect.
"Alpha, it's good to see you again. The other Alphas have arrived and have been given rooms." Jake nods as Celestial and the children get out of the car. The farm staff nods and smiles.
"Good day Luna. We have rooms ready for you and the children." Jake smiles and nods.
"Thank you, please take our bags to our room and help Luna feed the children." The staff nods and immediately began taking the bags inside as others started to help Celestial get food ready for the children. As they walk in the other Alphas stand and nod.
"Alpha prime, Luna prime. We trust your trip was safe and peaceful." Jake had left Logan in charge while he was away, the other Alphas had left their betas in charge. Celestial nods and smiles as she looks at all the Alphas from the other packs. Thinking to herself.
"There can't possibly be this many werewolf packs around the world. Can it be possible? And how does Jake have an alliance with everyone of them?"
Jake smiles and kisses Celestial on the cheek.
"Celestial, these are the Alphas from the packs I have an alliance with. This is Alpha Demitery, Alpha Boris and Alpha Gustav they are the Alphas of the three most powerful packs in Russia. This is Alpha Victor, Alpha Sergio and Alpha Jose they are the Alphas from Mexico." Jake introduces Celestial to all 95 Alphas from the alliance packs. The children had ate and were put in bed to get a nap. The Lunas from the other packs pull Celestial away to gather at a table to enjoy some tea and talk. Jake smiles and chuckles as he watches them encourage Celestial to go with them, Jake smiles and says.
"Go on love, this won't be the only time you are going see them. Don't worry if the children wake up the females will tend to them."

Celestial nods and goes with the other Lunas, actually she was happy to have a break from the children for a little while.

Jake smiles and nods as one of the other Alphas says.
"Jake is it true that Celestial is a dragon?"

Jake nods and says as the incident with the council replays in his mind.
"Yes, and the council actually thought she was a threat."

The other Alphas nod and grumble.
"The council is becoming a little too aggressive. It's time to replace the ones that are becoming a problem."

Jake nods as the other Alphas nod in agreement.

Jake smiles and says.
"Let's deal with it tomorrow. Today let's just enjoy a day of peace and relaxation."

Everyone agrees with Jake as a farm staff member comes from the kitchen with beer for the guys.

Hi everyone, sorry about not updating sooner, had other stories that came to mind. I'm also involved in a couple of different rps at the moment.

Please don't forget to comment and vote I truly appreciate it.

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