Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The restaurant is located in a far corner of the Prestigiousa village just a few minutes away from the city. I had never been here before although I had read reviews of it in a famous magazine. And from the looks of the ticket to the village, it was hilariously expensive.

“I want the seafood plate and he’ll have some baked scallops and seafood pasta.” Derek says. He looks really sexy and amazing tonight, not that I would admit it out loud. He went from the formal boss to a casual boy look for this date.

The waiter poured some wine on our glasses before gracefully leaving the table. I sipped the wine cautiously, afraid that it could taste strong but it didn’t. In fact, it tasted sweet and nice.

“It’s a vintage.” Derek started, swirling his wine on the glass.

I smiled I’m not really a fan of wines. “I’m not fond of these but it tastes good.”

“Of course, I would only give you the best.” He smirked. Okay, he’s flirting with me. I rolled my eyes; it’s the same line that plays all over my head every time I compliment him for something.

He chuckles, sounding dangerously sexy, and god I want to hump him like a Chihuahua in heat.

“How was your day?” he asks. My day? Boring without you. I wish I could say that out loud but I don’t want to inflate his already bloated balloon of a head so no. Plus, Mr. Ego would wound itself.

“Well, it was fine. I finished my manuscripts early and basically slept. You?” I say as I washed my throat with this delicious wine. Sorry promise, I’m breaking you for now, this wine is superb.

“Aren’t you supposed to say you missed me?” He replies. I quirked my eyebrows at him, pretending not to know what he means. He smiled a little. Well, it’s captivating. “Anyway, it was great. Just some approval for the new book release. ”

“So you just like sign the papers before they are released?”

“Course not. I read them. I’m not a lazy ass you know.” If I ever released my story, he’ll read it then? Oh my bulge. He’ll definitely know who is who. I mentally face palmed, just why are you so smart Christian?

We started casual conversations and teased, fight and bicker a little before our orders arrived along with a basket of freshly baked bread.

It has been a while since I had some seafood err, except for seafood flavored cup noodles.

The food was amazing, I mean it was really great but as we roam around the small village where some performers are playing, dancing and performing on their platforms, my tongue suddenly craved something bitter and strong.

“Hey.” I call out to him.

“Yes?” He responded, flashing me a billion dollar smile. WHY CAN’T YOU BE FUGLY FOR ONCE?

“C-can we stop somewhere on the way home?” I ask, sounding like I’m asking for a lollipop. He entwined our fingers together and he drags me towards the parking lot.

“Sure baby. Here” Derek handed me his keys and I beamed in happiness. Yes! I can drive his Bentley.

I drove towards the lower part of the city. It is busy even though it is already 9 pm. The streets are filled with people so I parked before I dragged Derek out after I made him remove his vest to look more laid-back as what I did to mine.

“What the fuck Christian? What are we doing here?” I smile sheepishly. Well, if anything, I like this part of the city. It is enigmatic, it is alive. The place maybe cheap and anything but it was awesome. The people are content with themselves, they are happy with what they have.

“We’ll be having local beer. Now shut up.” He hesitantly obeyed and allowed me to drag him to our destination. Along the way, there are men and women on the streets selling some trinkets and charms while others are showing off their talents for some money, and of course don’t ever forget the prostitutes wearing seductive get up and occasionally rolling their hips in invitation.

Well, who wouldn’t want their job? You get pay for spreading your legs that’d be awesome, says the virgin.

We entered the premises of the beer house. It is made of cheap wooden material and a red roof that looks like it hadn’t been repainted for ages, the door is shut but the music is seeping out.  It might look a little bad on the outside but the inside is really cozy. I should know, I’ve been here a lot since the only people I could treat as my buddies are here.

“This is totally unexpected.” He drawled. I chuckled at his bewildered expression.

“’Course it is. You would never peg me as a guy who likes this place, no?” he smiled, lighting up his face again.

“You never cease to amaze me Jed.” He says. I feel my body heat up as we sat on a table. No Derek, You never cease to amaze me.

I call out for a waiter rather loudly. Louder than what he expected from this place. Derek looks at me with amazement in his eyes, well, he should be since no one knew I had been to this place, let alone at the lower part of the city.

“Look who we have here.” A deep baritone voice that held a gentle touch to it drifted to my ears and I averted my eyes from the view in front of me. 

“Brandon!” I shout and lounge myself unto him. Brandon is an old friend of mine that helped me with the kidnapping.

He is a huge buff man that could put a wrestler’s body to shame, a 6 foot 4 of pure muscles that my date is glaring at. I could feel it.

“Everyone! Our little turtle is here!” Cheers and clatters erupted around us; even a few went to our table to greet me. Three huge glasses of beer was served when I climbed down from Brandon.

Derek had gone mute while he studies us and gulping his beer without breaking his stare.

“Holy shit, is that… apple?” Derek exclaimed causing us to laugh. I only order low alcohol flavored beer every time I come here because as you can see, alcohol and me don’t mix well.

“Yes. Do you like it? It goes well with chicken.” I chirped happily.

“I think so. This is awesome.” He beamed at me, darting his eyes between me and his glass.

“Of course it is. It is homemade from my mother’s barn and- Errol! Bring some buffalo wings here!” Brandon joined in our conversation and later on, they were on good terms with each other.

It’s amazing how Derek could go from the big classy business man to a happy-go-luck guy; he sure knows how to fit in.

I take a swig from my glass and relished the bitter liquid sliding down my throat. Damn, I should not get drunk; remind me later brain, another gulp from the glass as I listen to their conversation.

“…Later on, this place became mine.” Brandon stated proudly. He went through things to get to his place right now, I may have helped a little but the whole thing was through his efforts.

“That’s cool man. I always wanted to own a place like this but my hands are pretty full, maybe next time.” Derek said almost dreamily and took a gulp of his drink while munching on the yummy wings.

Brandon laughed at him and placed his arm on the table. “So you and turtle here just fucking or you up to something serious?”

I choked on my beer. Okay, that was expected but it still caught me off guard. I open my mouth to answer him but Derek butted in before I could.

“I’m serious with him.” He smiled my way and took my free hand to his before kissing it.

Oh Derek. Please stop making me fall deeper.

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