Special| Halloween

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7 years later

"Mommy! Come on! Let's go trick or treating!" Nicole shouted from the door.

"Yea, mommy! Daddy, let's go!" Shawn cried, standing next to his 6 year old sister.

There were the sound of footsteps from the stairs. A tall man with black hair and green eyes ran down the stairs and cried: "WHO WANTS TO GO TRICK OR TREATING?"

Both the 6 year old princess and 4 year old superhero jumped up and down, shouting "ME! ME!"

The man laughed, picked up his two kids and spun them, both the kids laughing.

"Daddy! Let's go!" Nicole said.

Nathan chuckled and ruffled both his kids' hair. "Wait for mommy first!"

Before the kids could complain, a scream was heard throughout the house. "NATHAN ACKERMAN!"

Nathan dropped the two kids onto the floor and grinned. "Seems like mommy is mad at something..." He gave a wink to his kids who were giggling.

"Ooh daddy's in trouble!" Both the kids said in unison.

A woman with darkish blond hair and hazel eyes rushed down the stairs, something black dangled from her hands. When she stood in front of the kids and Nathan, a giant spider was located in her crossed arms.

The kids' eyes widened at what they saw, giggling like maniacs.

"Nathan Ackerman, would you care to explain what this is?" She asked, holding the rubber spider.

"Hmm Miss Lilian Burt Ackerman, I don't think I would care to explain."

Lilian gave Nathan a cold hard stare and shook her head. She wrapped her arms in a position around Nathan and... kicked him (hopefully not hard) in the shins. (It might not seem much but compared to the place where the sun don't shine, it's good.)

"Owww! Sweetheart, why?" Nathan groaned from the floor.

Lilian gave a small smile, aware that her children were watching. "That's what you get for scaring me with a simple spider!"

"Well we all know you are afraid of bugs!"

"Hmmm wonder why I'm not afraid of you."

Nathan sat on the floor wide-eyed. Had his wife just roast him?

Lilian nodded, as of knowing what Nathan was thinking. She took her kids' hands. "Don't be like your father kids. Your father is very annoying."

The kids laughed, eyeing their dad on the floor, as if they were used to such a show of their parents.


"Trick or treat!" Nicole and Shawn cried as their bags were filled with candy.

"Aw! Such cute kids!" The lady at the door said, adding another handful of candy to their bags.

Nathan and Lilian, holding hands behind their kids, asked, "What do you say?"

"Thank you!" Both the the kids cried.

The lady laughed. "You're welcome!"

The lady looked at the young couple. "Would you two like some candy?"

"Oh! No thank you! I've got the sweetest thing by my side right here." Nathan said, nodding towards Lilian.

Lilian blushed and mentally face-palmed herself.



Everyone turned towards the two shouts from across the street.

When the light turned a green, two kids and a woman crossed the street. One kid was a boy named Max and the other child was a girl named Hannah.

Hannah was a fairy and Max, a pirate. Hannah and Nicole hugged each other while Max and Shawn high-fived.

"I have a full pillow case of candy!" Max declared as the lady at the door step dumped a handful of candy into his bag.

"Oh yea? Me and my sister both have a full pillow case!" Shawn replied back.

Hannah and Nicole rolled their eyes. "It's my
Sister and I."

"Well sisters aren't always first!" The two boys protested.

The woman and Lilian were busy talking while Nathan just stood, watching the kids argue. "I believe we should stop arguing and get more candy?"

All the kids turned towards Nathan. "Okay!"

Like that, the kids pretty much gotten enough candy for a full year. Probably because they charmed all the neighbors with their cute innocent smiles and harmonized voices of "Trick or treat!"

"Hannah and Max! It's time to go home!" The woman shouted.

"Awww.." They both groaned. "Bye Nicole! Bye Shawn! See you tomorrow at school! DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR CANDY!"

"Yeah! Bye!"

Together, the Ackerman family walked home, the two kids arguing about who had the most candy.

At home, while the kids counted their candy, Mrs. and Mr. Ackerman handed out candy.

Watching a group of children getting sweets made Lilian sigh. "Guess we'll be doing this every Halloween from now."

Nathan turned and kissed her on the forehead, then chuckled as Nicole muttered "Ewww!"

"Well, assuming if we live long enough."

Lilian stared at Nathan, eyes wide, shocked.

Nathan laughed. "Well you are drop-dead gorgeous."

[insert drums and cymbals right here... yes, you may snap.]

This time, Lilian actually face-palmed. "So many years and you still manage to flirt with me."

Before Nathan could say anymore, Lilian put a finger on his lips. "Say no more. It was going to be another flirt isn't it?"

Nathan nodded.

"You know me so well."

They kissed, with their kids shouting, covering their eyes.


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