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confused, tired & pissed off 

I don't know what it was about Ace that made him so intriguing. Was it the tattoos he had? Was it the way he spoke? Or the cigarettes he smoked? Or was it the way he treated me? The way he kissed me? Or The way he called me kitten?

This guy was doing my head in, I was sick and tired of being his shadow. Getting forced to go with him for what? He won't explain anything to me and I'm really getting sick of it.

I look out of the car window, as he drove down a street heading to downtown with his hand - again - rested on my thigh.

My heart was pounding, he still hadn't told me why I had to leave with him. Why did this have to happen to me?

The stereo was on quietly, I lean my head on the seat, I don't know why I was so tired, I had a decent sleep last night, well kind of. I kept on thinking back at the party, why is it that Ace always brings out the bad in people.

I've never seen Adam like that, is it just Ace or does everyone know him? I mean he was on the news so..

I yawn as soon as Ace pulls into a hotel parking lot, I look up at the name of the hotel, Luxury Hotel it read, wow very specific name.

"Why are we here?" I ask in a soft voice.

He doesn't answer, just gets out of his car, I tiredly jump out of his car and shut the door. He presses the button on his keys to lock it, before walking to the entrance of the hotel.

I follow behind, why were we here? Why couldn't we just go back to his place instead of a hotel? I'm so confused.

We enter the main lobby, I was expecting him to go to the front desk where a lady stood in her work attire. But instead he went straight to the elevator, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, but follow him anyway.

The way up to our room was very quiet and awkward, no words were said, I leant against the glass wall and pulled down my black skirt that kept rising up. It felt really stuffy in the elevator, but that was probably because I was tired.

It felt like it was taking forever just to get to our room, and yet I still didn't know why we were here.

The elevator soon dinged and the doors opened, I watch Ace walk out of it with no emotion at all. It's not normal for someone to be this Moody, is it?

I soon follow before the door shuts on me, I look around the gorgeously modern hallway, with only one room at the end of it. It reminded me of a pent house, but I don't think we were that far up.

Ace reaches up top of the doorframe as soon as we stop at the white double doors. He pulls down a silver key and unlocks the door. I don't know why, but I had a funny feeling that we weren't allowed in here.

Ace soon walks into the room, and throws the keys on the small table near the doors. The room was massive and gorgeous, the floor was all dark wood, and the walls were all white. I look straight ahead and see a big window looking out at the downtown area.

This definitely was the penthouse, and it was gorgeous. We were definitely not allowed in here.

I shut the door and walk into the living area, I only just catch Ace walking out of the sliding door in the bedroom, that must take you out to a balcony. I decided to leave him alone, I didn't feel like talking to him anyway.

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