C H A P T E R F O R T Y - T W O

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Be careful

"Great shot!" Ruffo claps goofily, I look over my shoulder and smile at him.

I soon take off my ear muffs and place the gun down on the ledge, "How was I?"

"Getting better every single day." He comments with a nod.

"Great!" I grin at him before a squeal catches our attention.

we both look in the direction of the squeal and see Jhase lifting Amanda up and throwing her down on a trampoline.

"You're an asshole!" She smacks him once she bounces back up.

"I love you too!" He jokingly grabs her waist and giving it a little squeeze.

I hear Ruffo huff out and see him roll his eyes, "Love birds." He mumbles.

"Tell me about it– I suppose it's good to see them happy though." I shrugged.

"True, they're good together."

I nod, "Yeah I agree."

He smiles at me in which I smile back at. Ruffo was pretty cool, he had been helping me all week to try to get use to the gun and how to shoot moving targets etc.

We decide to walk over to Jhase and Amanda - to have a break - Jhase was still tickling and joking around with Amanda once we stand next to them.

"Jhase stop it!" Amanda chuckles.

"Take back what you said!" Jhase grins from ear to ear, and continues to tickle her.




"You're both as childish as one another." Ruffo says, crossing his arms at them.

Amanda grins from ear to ear at him whereas Jhase gave him a dirty look.

"Shut up–"

Just as Jhase starts, an alarm suddenly goes off within the building. I look up to see where the noise was coming from, as Jhase and Ruffo look at each other in a hurry.

"We gotta go." Jhase announces in a rush, he jumps off of the trampoline and looks straight at Ruffo.

Ruffo nods and looks down at me, "Will you be right going home?" He asks.

I could tell he was in a panic but he tried not to show it. I nod my head slowly, concerned at what was going on.

"I'll see you later– get home safe." He instructs before jogs off following Jhase out of the door.

I give Amanda a confused look just to receive one back. What the hell was this all about?

Amanda jumps off the trampoline and walks over to me, a few of Keith's men run past where we were and exit the building.

"Do you know what's going on?" I ask Amanda.

"Nope– we better get out of here though. I don't feel safe;" She says.

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