Author's Note

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This song fanfiction is to create awareness for those who are, or have been mentally abused. The songs used in this story, are in the title.

While watching NCIS, I had a sneaky suspicion that Ziva was emotionally/verbally abused as a child. I saw it in Ziva's facial expressions, when Gibbs said "I don't care" to her in season 3. And in season 9, Ziva told Tony that she was always an afterthought, and cast aside by her father.

This one shot will be what happens when someone who has been severely emotionally/verbally abused as a child. They start to believe all the names they have been called. Whether it's a "burden", "worthless", or "a failure", they start to believe it. Because of that, they keep things bottled up inside them, because they don't want to burden anyone with their troubles. Then, they crack. And when they crack, they go into a full blown mental breakdown.

Although this is a sad story, I hope you like it.

Viva_la_Tiva xxxxxxx

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