Part 1

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Hi! This is LANA DEL REY and "National Anthem". I just thought that it was amazing. It is quite hard to find the speaking part at the end, but if you would like to listen to it, there is a Birdflash video with it. But this isn't Birdflash! Rainey (Rain-ie / Rain-y /Rain-ee) is Nightwing by the way. Set before the start of season 2, when the new team were together, Kaldur wasn't 'evil' and Wally wasn't dead.

The original team of Young Justice were all sitting in the living room of Mount Justice, just having some time to themselves. Wally had his arm around Artemis on the love seat, beside Conner and M'gann, who were doing the same thing. Kaldur sat on the armchair across from Rainey's armchair.

"Hahaha! And I remember, she got so mad! She drop kicked him!" Wally announced. "Remember when you did that Rainey?!" Rainey nodded excitedly, laughing as well.

"Yeah! I just couldn't take him anymore! He annoyed me so much that day, and I couldn't hold it back any longer!" Everyone was laughing at this point. They had a lot of good memories together. And Rainey had some of her own.

"Oh! I have a question for Kaldur and Rainey!" Artemis spoke up.

"Throw it at us!" Rainey said.

"Have you guys dated anyone since Zatanna and who ever Kaldur was going out with?" Artemis asked, and Kaldur was the first to answer.

"No my friend, I have not." Kaldur replied, with a smile still on his face.

"Rainey?" Artemis pressed on.

"There was one guy." Rainey answered, unsure if she should tell them or not.

"Oh! Rainey! Très romantic! What's happening with you two now?" M'gann asked, clapping her hand together in anticipation.

"We'll, he kind of died, then came back to life. He's still out there. But I don't think that he remembers me." Rainey laughed slightly at the thought of it all.

"Oh Rainey! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked!" M'gann apologised, overlooking the fact that Rainey had just said her boyfriend died and rose again.

"Don't worry M'gann, you didn't know." Rainey assured her, a small smile on her face.

"What was he like?"

"Do you love him?"

"Were you a cute couple?" Multiple questions were asked all at once my different people in the room.

"Ok! Ok! Slow down! I'll answer all of your questions now!" And Rainey began.

"I remember when I met him. It was so clear that he was the only one for me." Everyones smile grew. Rainey deserved happiness.

"We both knew right away." The two girls awed and Rainey giggled lightly at their antics.

"And as the years went on things got more difficult, We were faced with more challenges." M'gann put her hand on heart, as away of showing her distraught emotion.

"I begged him to stay, tried to remember what we had in the beginning." Everyones face fell, as Rainey continued.

"He was charismatic, magnetic, electric, and everybody knew it." Rainey was trying to pick her words carefully. How could you describe the perfect person in words?

"When he walked in everyone's head turned. Everyone stood up to talk to him." Rainey's smile was so bright.

"He was like this hybrid, this mix of a man who couldn't contain himself." Everyone was practically on the edge of their seats, while they listened intensely to this mysterious and exciting man.

"I always got the sense that he became torn between being a good person and missing out on all of the opportunities that life could offer a man as magnificent as him." He really did sound magnificent, didn't he?

"And in that way, I understood him... And I loved him, I loved him, I loved him, I loved him. And I still love him, I love him." Rainey started hopelessly at the ground. "But that doesn't matter now. Because he's gone, and he's never coming back. But don't worry! I accepted that long ago." Rainey seemed to have snapped out of her trance like state, as a smile once again grew on her face, acting like none of it happened.

The old team continued laughing and having fun, not daring to talk about what had just happened, but once in a while, they would glance over at their little bird to make sure she was alright.

To make sure she wasn't going to get hurt by her own words.

And... Cut! This has been sitting in my documents for ages now, just thought I'd upload it and get it out of the way.

Hope you enjoyed reading it! If you did, please remember to Review!

Love you to the moon and back! Xx

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