My Girl

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So yeah, I finally updated!

At least it's something. I have so little time. I'm really trying here, I promise.

Feeling decent about this, I'll try to update again before easter.

Hope y'all enjoy dis.


"Oof!" Nightwing cried as someone suddenly rammed into her, nearly knocking her over again. The man proceeded to grab her wrist and began to drag her down the corridor she was heading in.

"Come on!" Red Hood growled out as the now duo broke into a sprint. Nightwing had lost Wonder Woman around 10 minutes ago, after they were discovered by more of Masks men.

"Where are we going? We need to get back to the team, Hood." Nightwing attempted to pull Red Hood down another corridor, but he decided to pull her out of the open door, leading to the outside world. The sunlight stung at her eyes slightly from her lack of it over the past few days.

"They know I have you. A few of your friends helped me locate you, it's an absolute maze in there, if we're gonna go, we have to do it now." Still pulling her along, he lead her to his motorbike that was left sitting at the entrance.

"But we have to help them, you saw how it was in the-" Red Hood cut her off suddenly.

"I made sure they had it covered, but baby, we have to go now, I'm not ready to lose you here." Nightwing assumed he was staring at her through his helmet as she thought about his words in her head.

"Do you mean that? Are you serious?" She gazed up at him with wide, wonderous eyes.

"You're my girl." Red Hood sounded on the verge of tears at this point as he snapped off his helmet. He placed his forehead on Nightwing's, his hand cupping her cheek.

"I'm your girl." He used to say that to her everyday before he died. Nightwing leaned up and connected their lips. This was Jason. Her Jason.

"Let's go princess." He smiled down at her and placed his helmet back on his head, swinging his leg over his bike and patted the space behind him on it. Nightwing copied his movement onto the bike, still smiling. She wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her face into the back of his leather jacket. Red Hood began the drive back to his compound, where Nightwing's mew suit would be waiting for her.


"Status report." Batman's looming voice crackled over the comm link through Robin's ear.

"We don't have Nightwing, but she got out safely. Red Hood has her, but he wont hurt her." Robin calmly told his mentor as he tied up another one of Black Mask's men, who still hadn't been spotted. "Black Mask isn't here but I doubt he'd try this again, we've taken down a large percentage of his organisation."

"Good work." The static crackled again, and Batman's voice disappeared. Robin was left with a bunch of grumbly teenagers and unconscious men.


"What's this?" Rainey let out a breathy laugh as she opened the box that Jason has just handed to her. She ran her hand over the material, looking at the design thoughtfully. Instead of her blue bird, there was a red V that spread down the arms of the suit.

"A new suit. I thought you could use an upgrade. There's boots in there as well." True to his word, Nightwing pulled out a pair of thigh high boots.

"I think there's a bit of material missing, between where the shorts end and where the boots start." Her suit, which used to be a one piece, was now separate... And smaller.

"It'll look amazing on you, plus it'll be easier to put on. It has secret compartments- it has everything your old suit had, but with upgrades. It's more functional." Jason through his arm around her shoulder as she thought.

"Fine." The girl rolled her eyes playfully at her once-again-boyfriend.

"Go put it on, get used to it and all. I'll see you out here in 5." He kissed her on the cheek playfully before she walked away.


"Put a watch up on Joker, see if anyone will rat out his location- or Harley's." Jason commanded his employees on the computers. They each began furiously typing under his watchful gaze.

"What do you think?" Rainey appeared behind Jason suddenly. She did a quick twirl in her new suit jokingly, before Jason grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a kiss.

"It's perfect on you. You're perfect." Rainey buried her face into Jason's neck, smiling. "I had an idea. I'd give up anything to keep you with me, so if there's anythi-"

"Stop killing." Rainey blurted out before the man could finish.

"Done." Jason laughed slightly at the lovestruck look that sat on Rainey's face. "There is another thing though. I want to take down that damn clown- the right way. With you. Rainey nodded slowly at him. "And then we- Rainey, we will be the king and queen of Gotham. Not those criminal pests." Jason snared out his last sentence, tightening his hold on Rainey, who placed a had softly on his shoulder.

"We'll do it. We'll make Gotham a safe place again. Together." The duo stared at each other for what feels like an eternity, before one of the men spoke up.

"Sir, you have a shipment delivery in 20 minutes."

"I'll go now, thanks." Kissing Rainey one last time, he dawned his helmet once again. "Make yourself at home, Rainey." Red Hood disappeared out of the door.


An explosion shook the entire compound late that night.

"I heard someone has been looking for me." A devilish grin made it's way onto Joker's face. His laughter filled the room he had just made his own entrance into. This would be fun.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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