Part 4

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Nightwing lay in the uncomfortable bed, playing over the events that happened in the earlier hours.

Jason couldn't say it.

She could get her Jason back.

Sleep finally seemed to take over her body, as she started to drift off into a light slumber.


"Mr Hood, it seems that there has been a break in." One of Red Hood's workers explained, looking fearfully over at him.

"What? A break in? Where is it, send a team there to sort out the situation. I want who ever it is dead." Red Hood said, through gritted teeth.

"On it, sir." The worker replied.

"This can't be good." Red Hood muttered to himself, staring up at the monitor in front of him.

"Sir, the group we sent down is nonresponsive and the people who broke in are heading towards the underground area." The worker looked over at Red Hood, unsure of what to do.

"That's where Nightwing is." Red Hood shouted, fear striking him, as he began to run down a corridor, loading his guns as he did so.


"What have we got here?" Nightwing was awoken by a gravelly voice, and the metal door of her cell unlocking.

"Black Mask." Nightwing whispered as she saw the man enter the room.

"Take her, boys." Black Mask ordered a group of men behind him, and they flew into the room, cutting the chains that bound her and grabbed her arms, the cuffs still dangling from her hands. "I'll be honest, I didn't expect to find you here, Nightwing. I didn't even know that you were missing. So what does Red Hood what with you? Huh?" Nightwing stayed silent, glaring at the man. "Don't want to talk much today, I see." Black Mask chuckled softly, and before Nightwing knew it, Black Mask had punched her in the stomach. "Don't disrespect me, little girl. I don't mess around." Black Mask roughly grabbed her face, making her look him in the eyes.

"You let her go right now, or I swear I will make this as slow and painful for you as possible." Red Hood had appeared in the room, holding a gun up to Black Mask's head, a pile of unconscious bodies that were Black Mask's group behind him.

"Why would you care if she got hurt, Hood? She's a prisoner, that you took." Black Mask laughed, pulling out a knife.

"What are you doing here Mask? You know I wont hesitate to kill you, as you have seen multiple times before." Red Hood threatened Black Mask, but his smile didn't waver.

"I'm here to try to hurt your business. I thought that if I took the prisoners you might of been holding, it would affect some of the jobs you do if you're keeping them here for a certain reason. Maybe for insurance. Is that what she is?" Black Mask nodded his head towards Nightwing. "Because I didn't hear that she was missing or wanted. And trust me, if a job came out that required her, I'd be the first to know. I'd be the first to know about anything, to be honest. And I didn't hear about anything. So, tell me Red Hood, why do you have her? She works with the Bat, meaning you would have killed her at first chance, yet you've kept her. Explain that me." Black Mask's smirk grew as Red Hood remained silent.

"That's none of your business. Hand her over. Now." Red Hood finally spoke up, reaching out a hand for them to hand Nightwing over. The girl looked over at the two men holding her, and acting fast, she kicked the legs of the man on her left from under him, making him fall and let go of her. The other man's eyes went wide, as she pushed him against the wall and with one swift move, she grabbed the knife he had strapped to him and put her foot against his chest, keeping him there as he attempted to push the foot off of his, but to no avail.

"Well that was very impressive Nightwing, really, it was. But I still have the upper hand here." Black Mask pulled out a gun and aimed it at Nightwing's head. Nightwing in defence, held up the knife that she had taken from the man who was still held against the wall.

"And how is that?" Nightwing asked, curiously. There was no way he still had the upper hand here. Jason had a gun to his head and she had a knife to his throat, even though he a gun on her as well.

"Because, while Red Hood came alone, I brought reinforcements." As Black Mask said that, Red Hood was hit over the head and fell to the ground with a grunt. Nightwing, in a blind panic, dropped her knife and went to run to Red Hood, but something caught her around the waist, holding her back from from trying to get to the man she loved. Black Mask laughed again, as he dragged her out of the room, kicking and screaming. Red Hood craned his eyes open with difficulty, as he stretched out his arm, desperately trying to reach Nightwing.

"No... Rainey." Red Hood whispered to himself as he was left alone, unable to keep his eyes open any longer.

Who was he fooling. How could he pretend that he didn't love her. He fell in love with her the day that he met her.

He lost her once, he wasn't going to lose her again.


"Where is she?" Batman slammed a hand down on the control panel of the Batcave computer.

"Maybe we should go to the League, Batman. They'll help us look for her. And the team will want to know that she's missing." Robin said, concern obvious in his voice, as he leaned against the computer.

"You're right. Call the League, tell them what's happened and that I'll be up in a few minutes. You go to the cave, let them know. I just can't believe she's gone missing!" Batman slammed his fist on the keyboard again, but this time, it made a small sound, and a voice recording popped up, dated for yesterday. As the message played, Batman understood.

"She went after Red Hood."


"Robin. I didn't expect to see you here so late. Is everything alright?" Robin had zeta'd into the cave and was met with the face of the team's leader, Kaldur.

"No, everything's not ok, Kaldur. You need to call the team here."

"Alright my friend." Kaldur complied calmly, calling the team to the main room. "What is wrong?" Kaldur asked, once everyone had either zeta'd there, rubbing sleep out of their eyes or came from their room in the cave.

"Nightwing's missing." Robin said, bluntly. A few gasps were heard as he continued. "We don't know if she's been kidnapped, or if she's dead or dying yet. But we do know that she went after a particularly bad villain, and hasn't been heard of since. We know the location she was last at, and me and Batman are going to head down there after he finishes talking to the League. Batman just thought you should all know what's going on." Robin finished, finally shifting his gaze from the spot on the floor to look at the faces of his team. Many were in shock, but others didn't look too worried, as they know Nightwing could handle a lot on her own, but knowing that she could be dead right now made them sick to their stomachs.

Robin could tell that a storm was about to start. And it wasn't going to end with a rainbow. It was going to end with chaos. Lots and lots of chaos.

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