Who is she too you?

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Chapter Eight  - Who is she too you?

~Elena POV~

Mrs Robinson was going on about algebra or something, I wasn't paying attention every time I tired my mind would just travel back to Rose and Stefan, I know Stefan's with me and Rose is with Kol but the way they act around each other and the way he looks at her and the way she plays with her red hair when he's around makes me think that there is defiantly something more going on.  "Miss Gilbert care to answer the question?" Mrs Robinson's voice said interrupting my thoughts "Not really" I replied honestly not caring for any problem other that mine.

~Caroline POV~

Every so often I'll take a glace between Bonnie and Elena, I can tell we're all thinking the same thing. Who is this Rose person? Why is she here? and What is her connection to Stefan? I know about having best-friends you fell more for but it seems more than that between them two, All I can think about is Elena getting hurt and if Stefan hurts her I wont be held responsible for my actions.

~Bonnie POV~

I've never liked maths so right now I'm doodling in my notepad and thinking about the red head that wont stop invading my thoughts. She's beautiful so I know why Stefan looks at her the way his does but he also looks at Elena in the same way. I need to find the history behind the two before Elena gets hurt, If I just touch her once I can find out.

~Stefan's POV~

Ever since Elena, Bonnie and Caroline met Rose two hours ago they haven't talked to me aside from the awkward smile from the other side of the class room but they all look distant like their minds are on something completely different. After a awkward few more lessons the bell rings signalling the end off the day so I began my journey towards the car park ready to get into my car, go home and drink the weekend away. After a short and silent 10 minuet drive alone I got to the empty house. Not long after I got in I heard a faint knock and when I concentrated I heard a fast heart beat which I knew belonged to Elena but I was curios to why her heart was beating faster than usual. I opened the door to be greeted by Elena, her palms sweating, running nervous hand through her hair multiple times before saying "Who is she too you?" and almost instantly I knew she meant Rose.   

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