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Chapter Ten - Friends?

~Rose's POV~

I walked through the crowded hall ways of Mystic Falls High School thinking over the past few weeks or so of my life, I've been reunited with my best-friend, my other best-friend died but didn't die then came back to life, I've got a amazing boyfriend and I've managed to keep all my grades good with a little help from Kol's compulsion. I'm finally feeling good about life "someone's happy" Said a voice that interrupted my thoughts "Yes Stefan. I am" I replied with a smile while opening my locker to put a few books away since the bell indicating we can go home will go off shortly "Why?" He replied leaning against the closed locker next to me "Life's finally good" I shrugged "Time to go" Stefan said while pointing to the bell and sure enough the bell rang indicating it's time to go home "Need a ride?" He asked "Nah, Thinking about walking today. Walk with me?" I asked with hope "I'm meant to drop the girls off at the grill" He said looking down "Ask them to walk with us and we'll call Damon to get the car" I asked walking towards Stefan's car with Stefan on my heel, we finally reached the three best-friends and before Stefan could say anything I spoke first "Girls? Stefan and I are walking home so we can have a good talk but we're going to the grill after and meeting a few people why don't you join us?" I asked smiling "Sure. It's a nice day we can walk" Caroline said in a calm voice "What about the car?" Elena asked "Damon will pick it up" I replied "Why would he do that?" Bonnie asked with hate in her voice I soon clicked on she hates Damon "Because Rose here has him wrapped around her little finger" Stefan said placing a hand on my shoulder "Listen" I said pulling out my phone, calling Damon's number and putting it on speaker so the three girls could hear the full conversation "Hey Ro. What's up?" Damon's voice rang through the phone indicating he picked up "Damon. I need a favour" I stated "Sure. What's up" He said, I smirked at the girls before carrying on my conversation "I want to walk home with Stefan because you know how I like the fresh air but we need someone to get Stefan's car" I wondered through the phone "Where do you want it dropping off" he said with a sigh "The Grill Please" I said "Okay, I'll be there soon I love you Ro" He said through the phone before hanging up "You need to teach me how to do that" Caroline said with a nod in agreement from Bonnie and Elena "So about that walk" Stefan spoke up, we all nodded and walked towards the grill.

After a twenty minuet walk and getting to know the three girls we reached the grill and Stefan's car was outside indicating Damon was here "Damon's here" I said happily, after the whole Lexi incident I forgave him and we went back to being best-friends, me and Damon have always been close "Ro" Damon's voice shouted from a corner table at the back he must have reserved for us. When we reached the table I pulled Damon into a hug and slid in next to him with Caroline next to me, Elena across from Damon, Stefan across from me and Bonnie across from Caroline. We was all chatting before my phone started ringing interrupting the conversation, I answered and put it on speaker and asking the others to be quiet "Rose why am I on speaker?" Kol's voice stated "Because I can't be bothered holding it to my face" I stated with a 'duh' tone "Okay well I was wondering if you wanted to have a movie night tonight?" He asked "Can I pick the films?" I asked "Yes." He replied simply "You Guys up for it?" I asked the others "Can I bring Matt?" Caroline Asked "I'll Have to bring Jeremy" Elena spoke up "Sure" I said with a warm smile "Wait, Who are you talking too?" Kol's voice said "Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan and Damon" I said leaning towards the phone that was on the table to make sure he could hear me, I heard a sigh followed by Kol asking "Are you's like friends now?" most likely forgetting he was on speaker, after a short silence "Yes we are right girls?" Caroline's voice said with a smile followed by a "Yes" from the other two "Ok... Meet at the Salvatore house in 20?" Kol asked "Sure bye Babe" I replied "Bye" Kol replied followed by him hanging up "You mean it?" I turned to the three girls "Friends" Caroline said holding one of my hands on top on the table "Friends" Bonnie repeated holding Caroline's hand and reaching over Stefan to grab Elena's "Friends" Elena repeated reaching to hold my free hand "Friends" I sighed in happiness followed by a short laugh from us four girls. 

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