He said it.

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Chapter Thirteen - He said it.

~Rose's POV~

"Damon" I sighed "what I don't like him" he replied harshly "Why?" I screamed standing off Kol's lap "You know why" Damon shouted back standing up also getting in my face so there was no space "We talked about this" I said my tone quietening, I could feel everyone staring at us "No. you talked I nodded" He said matching my tone "Which means you agreed" I said my voice raising a bit "No it means I didn't want to upset you" He said looking into my eyes "Well what are you doing now?" I said quieter looking down "I'm sorry but I hate this" Damon replied "I'm happy deal with it" I spat before walking up stairs.

~Damon's POV~

I felt the tears swell up in my eyes as she walked away from me. I sighed in frustration and walked into the kitchen "Damon calm down" I heard Stefan's voice say from behind me "I can't" I sighed "Damon? Can I talk to you?" I heard Kol's voice say from somewhere in the kitchen. I reluctantly nodded, "don't kill each other" Stefan said before walking out. "Damon?" Kol said "What?" I said harshly "what was that about?" He asked "It doesn't matter" I sighed not ready to tell anyone yet "I love her" Kol said quietly "You what?" I said turning to face Kol "I do. I know I do, I just don't want to tell her" Kol said "Anyway, we're both a big part of her life even if we don't like it so we might as well try to get along" He sighed. I nodded and held out my hand which he gladly took and shook.

~Rose's POV~

~A Few days later~

"Damon" Kol's voice yelled jumping me awake, I turned over to see he wasn't there. I set my bare feet lightly on the cold floor and began my way down stairs "What are you guys doing?" I asked looking at the two drunken men in the kitchen wobbling everywhere "We went out for drinks" Damon said putting his arm around Kol "What is all the noise round here?" Stefan said stepping into the kitchen "these to idiots got drunk again" I sighed "Again?" Stefan questions raising a eyebrow at me "Yes bunny boy again" Damon slurred "You wanted us to bond and we are" Kol said putting his arm around Damon "Yes. Sober god." I sighed and walked upstairs. I got back into bed smiling, everyone's gotten along great lately and I love it. We're planning a movie day tomorrow let's hope Damon and Kol can get along sober. My door opened and a steady Kol walked in and got into bed next to me. I pretended to be asleep "I'm sober now babe" He said kissing my cheek but I didn't move "Night beautiful" He muttered lying down "I love you" he said quietly almost undetectable. He just said it, He though I was asleep but still He said it. He really said it, I smiled once more before letting the sleep take me under

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