It can't be.

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Chapter Four - It can't be.

~Rose POV~

So I'm sat on the floor in the everything room watching the fire roar. I liked looking into fire when my emotions are all over the place it seems to calm me down. But right now all I feel is hate; Just because I'm only half vampire doesn't mean I'm weak. Lexi was my best-friend we had planned what we was going to do for the next two years; We'd take Stefan to see Bon Jovi like we did ages ago and then we'd come back to mystic falls, go to school, find Lexi a daylight ring so she wasn't stuck inside all the time then we'd go back to new York after a year but now what? My thoughts were interrupted by someone slamming the front door shut and I instantly knew it was Damon. "Rose, you in here?" Damon calls walking into the living room. "Rose look at me" He says finally noticing me, Slowly I turn my head looking up into his crystal blue eyes "Go to hell Salvatore" I spat while standing up and getting in his face showing him the anger in my eyes, "Ro listen to me please!" he pleaded putting his hand on my hip, "DON'T CALL ME THAT" I screamed in his face causing him to remove his hand, Damon use to call me Ro because he wanted to be special, he was the only one that called me that. Everyone called me Rose, my full name is Rosemarie but I hated it so no-one called me that. "Rose, Listen to me please" He said with pleading eyes, "You have five minuets before I call Stefan and tell him to come and help me kick your ass" After a short nod from him indicating he understood my warning I sat down crossing my arms and waited for him to continue, "Well Mystic falls has a council that hunts vampires..." "Still?" I interrupted, "Yes now are you going to keep interrupting me or can I finish" I made a gesture for him to continue "Well I joined so they wouldn't suspect me or Stefan but then they got word that there was a vampire in town so, I told them it was Lexi to make sure they didn't find out about me and Stefan, She had to die Ro, To protect me, you and Stef" He finished but before I could answer I heard a familiar voice come from the Kitchen "Rose, Oh my god are you okay? when you ran off I was so worried you were going to do something stupid" Kol's voice said getting closer, "Kol, I'm fine trust me" I said trying to reassure him and myself "Then why are you crying?" He asked now getting so close there was no space in between us. I lifted my hand up to my cheek and felt the wetness of the tears, Damon must have noticed this too because his gaze suddenly softened from a hatred one towards Kol to a caring one towards me. "I-I di-didn't n-notice" I stuttered while freely feeling more overwhelmed by the grief when I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me into a hug I looked up and noticed it was Kol, Suddenly feeling safe and comforted, I did the last thing I accepted and I hugged him back crying softly into his shirt. "Ro, I'm so so sorry" I heard Damon's voice say after what seemed like the longest hug ever, I looked up to Kol and met his amazing eyes and looked at Damon and I could feel my eyes turn dark with anger and in the heat of the moment I punched Damon in the face as hard as I could master. "I'd do that too, Damon's a douche" I heard another voice I could recognize a mile away, turning around slowly to face where the voice came from and whispered in pure shock "It can't be."

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