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SunHee's Pov:

I was standing beside my unnie, EunKyung. We and the rest of the opponents were waiting on the MC and the producer teams to come up on the small stage.
"When do you think they are coming unnie?" I asked. EunKyung looked around first and then at me.
"I don't know, I hope soon though."
"Hey girls!" A deep voice said out of nowhere.
"Hello Mino." EunKyung and I said politely.
"How are we felling today? He asked while looking hot as usual.
"Good but nervous." I said.
"I'm fine, do you know when they are coming? I wanna know who won." EunKyung asked Mino.
"Yeah, They are coming soon and after that we're going to celebrate." He said with a smirk.
"You mean like a party?" I asked.
"Yes exactly, you two wanna come?"
"Can we bring some friends?" Unnie asked.
"Well of course, come and meet me after this ends." He winked at me.

The MC went up on the stage and all the cameras was rolling. The producer teams came up after him. When the guys was up the MC started talking. "SMTM4, the results are out regarding." I was so excited! I hope Jay and Loco wins this, I voted for them they were actually the best. "The 1st place producer team has the first pick in choosing 4 rappers that they want! However, the rapper that has been asked to join the team, can reject the offer.

You see that there are objects in front of each respective team." I had to stand on my toes so I could see, I hate being short! There were different objects on different tables in front of the guys. The MC walked to team YG first. "Here is a YG entrance necklace, food ticket, shoes and a jumper." Tablo said and smiled. The MC walked to Jay and Loco.
"This is a AOMG necklace, everyone in AOMG has on." Loco said, Jay and Loco showed that they had one on.
"Wah so cool." The MC said and then walked to Zico and Paloalto. "What is this Zico?"
"This is a bracelet."
"A beautiful bracelet." I whispered to EunKyung. And she just nodded.
"We're Paloalto and Zico so ur ship name is PalZi." Everyone in the room laughed.
The MC walked to the last team. San E held up a black Tshirt. "If we talk in teams of practically, it's the best.." Verbal Jint said.

"I will now announce the results of of the 24 rappers who voted." It was quite so it would be more intense.
"Who did you vote on?" EunKyung asked. I saw that Mino looked at me, curious about my answer.
"Of course I voted on AOMG. And you?"
"I actually picked Zico."
"Same as me." Mino said out of nowhere. We smiled at him and looked up at the stage again.
The MC made a big 'Huh' sound and the producer teams looked nervous at him.
"Out of a total 24 votes, this team got 18 votes!" What! Omo hope its AOMG! "An overpowering approval rating of 75% who is the 1st placed team?" The MC got quite again. And the guys looked at each other. "Congratulations, the producer team to have earned 18 votes out of a total of 24 is... Zico and Paloalto!" Every clapped for them.

Zico looked shocked at Paloalto. "Us? Really?" He asked. They hugged and looked happy as f*ck. "When we did the interview, I said that AOMG would probably win and we would be second." Zico said.
"That upsets me even more." Tablo said. "3rd and 4rd were either us?" All the rapper laughed at them.
"Or YG, that's what you thought." San E said.
"If you got 1st, just appreciate it." Tablo said to Zico.
"I'm really happy!" Zico said back.

"I will now announce the 2nd place that got 3 votes out of the remaining 6." The MC said.
"Hold up! The 2nd placed got 3 votes?" Tablo said shocked.
"Yes." All the producer teams laughed again. "The 2nd placed team is Park Jaebum and Loco!" Everyone clapped for them and I even jumped a bit. Jay looked down at me and smiled. I gave him two thumbs up. "1 vote.. this team got 1 vote and it's San E and Verbal Jint." The MC said.
"I don't know who voted on us but I'm really thankful." San E said.
"And the last place is team YG."
"I saw this coming.." Tablo said disappointed.

"As I said before, the first place team has the first choice and can choose 4 rappers that they want. I will give you a bit of time. Please think about which rappers you want to bring to your team."

Zico and Paloalto whispered for a while and then turned back to us. "We're all ready." Paloalto said.
"From now on, team Zico and Paloalto please call out one by one, the rappers that you want on your team."
"The first one we choose is.. Lil Boi." Paloalto said.
"Will you accept the offer Lil Boi or?" The MC asked him. I looked at him waiting for his answer.
"I will reject the offer." Lil boi said.
"Whooo!" The other teams said."
"I'm sorry.." Lil boi apologized.
"Please chose the next rapper." The MC said.
Zico looked at everyone. "One."
"I will accept it." One said. Everyone clapped at his answer. "Ayeah." Zico said happy. One walked up on the stage.
"Who is the second rapper that team Zico and Paloalto want on their team?" The MC asked.
"We want SunHee." my eyes widen, what me? The guys looked at me and the MC asked me if I will accept it or not. I looked at Jay and he looked nervous. Someone passed me a mic
I smiled and said : "I rejected the offer." Zico looked sad.
"Who is the last one Zico and Paloalto wants?"
"We want Ssa Mezz." Zico said, everyone looked around and then EunKyung said loudly: "you said his name wrong. It's Ja Mezz." Everyone laughed. Zico apologized and Ja Mezz accepted the offer.
"Please continued to choose." The MC said.
"Song Minho." I looked at Mino and he smiled at Zico. "I know I will win with this team." Mino got up on the stage and stood beside Zico.
"Who is the last rapper you want in your team?"
"AndUp." Paloalto said. The looked at him and he accepted it.

Everything ended quickly and i called JaeHee.
"What's up Unnie?"
"Everyone needs to come back here, were going to a party!" I said.

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